No one was able to send me a rubric for review papers so here is the one I came 
up with, for better or worse; I am pasting from excel so IDK how it will look 
here. I have an html option and am using that.

Category & Value                3       2       1       Poss Pts         Pts
Citation                        Accurately cited in the desired APA format      
Incorrectly cited       2
Primary Claim                   Accurately notes primary claim of the review    
Notes only secondary or incomplete primary claim        2
Arguments       Identifies 3+ arguments to support the main claim AND fully 
notes overall quality of evidence   Identifies 2+ arguments to support the main 
claim AND fully notes overall quality of evidence   Identifies single argument 
to support the main claim AND fully notes overall quality of evidence        
Identifies single argument to support the main claim OR fully notes overall 
quality of evidence 4
Counter-arguments       Identifies 3+ counterarguments to the main claim AND 
fully notes how evidence is refuted        Identifies 2+ counterarguments to 
the main claim AND fully notes how evidence is refuted        Identifies single 
counterargument to the main claim AND fully notes how evidence is refuted     
Identifies single counterargument to the main claim OR fully notes how evidence 
is refuted      4
Gaps & Inconsistencies          Fully describes specific gaps, contradictions 
and inconsistencies       Partially describes specific gaps, contradictions and 
inconsistencies   Barely describes specific gaps, contradictions and 
inconsistencies      3
Conclusions             Fully describes authors' conclusions.   Partially 
describes authors' conclusions.       Barely describes authors' conclusions.  3
Agreement               Agreement based on quality and quantity of author's 
evidence for AND against main claim Agreement based on quality and quantity of 
author's evidence for AND against main claim Agreement based on something other 
than quality and quantity of evidence        3
Future Directions                       Describes next steps in solving problem 
the authors have raised Vaguely alludes to a problem the authors have raised    
Implications                    Notes both theoretical and practical 
implications of study      Notes only theoretical OR practical implications     
Total Points                                    25

Annette Kujawski Taylor, Ph. D.
Visiting Professor,
Ashoka University, Delhi, India
Professor, Psychological Sciences
University of San Diego

From: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS) digest 
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 10:00 PM
To: tips digest recipients
Subject: tips digest: October 28, 2015

TIPS Digest for Wednesday, October 28, 2015.

1. quick question about application cycles.
2. Re: quick question about application cycles.
3. Random Thought:  A Classroom Truth
4. Proquest Dissertation vs PsycInfo for Dissertation Info:  Which Do You Use?


Subject: quick question about application cycles.
From: Annette Taylor <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 08:12:14 +0000
X-Message-Number: 1

One of my students is applying for graduate school next year and the deadlines 
are upon us.

When she checked online for one of the schools it said on the website that the 
professor she was interested in studying with was not taking applications for 
the 2015 cycle of applications.

We were confused whether this is means for those who are submitting 
applications by the December 1, 2015 deadline, or whether that is still on the 
website from last year's application cycle for students who started the program 
in 2015.

If it's the latter then that means that the professor would be considering 
applications this year, for starting in 216, right?

I find the language too confusing. Sigh.


Annette Kujawski Taylor, Ph. D.
Visiting Professor,
Ashoka University, Delhi, India
Professor, Psychological Sciences
University of San Diego

Subject: Re: quick question about application cycles.
From: Christopher Green <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 06:59:37 -0400
X-Message-Number: 2

Best to e-mail the professor and ask. People are terrific at launching 
websites, but terrible at updating them.
Christopher D Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
43.773897°, -79.503667°

On Oct 28, 2015, at 4:12 AM, Annette Taylor <> wrote:

> One of my students is applying for graduate school next year and the 
> deadlines are upon us.
> When she checked online for one of the schools it said on the website that 
> the professor she was interested in studying with was not taking applications 
> for the 2015 cycle of applications.
> We were confused whether this is means for those who are submitting 
> applications by the December 1, 2015 deadline, or whether that is still on 
> the website from last year's application cycle for students who started the 
> program in 2015.
> If it's the latter then that means that the professor would be considering 
> applications this year, for starting in 216, right?
> I find the language too confusing. Sigh.
> Annette
> Annette Kujawski Taylor, Ph. D.
> Visiting Professor,
> Ashoka University, Delhi, India
> Professor, Psychological Sciences
> University of San Diego
> ---
> You are currently subscribed to tips as:
> To unsubscribe click here: 
> or send a blank email to 


Subject: Random Thought:  A Classroom Truth
From: Louis Eugene Schmier <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 11:41:10 +0000
X-Message-Number: 3

        I was reading Daniel Goleman's "A Force For Good" and decided that in 
the words of David Brooks, we all should be "personalists."  It's best 
described as emotional self-regulation.  We should scrub daily our hearts and 
minds  and souls clean with the soap of compassion by practicing, in the Dalai 
Lama's words, "emotional hygiene."  It's best described as emotional 
self-regulation.  That is, we should have unconditional respect and concern for 
others, and turn that energy outward.  We should treat each and every student 
as a whole individual human being, not just as a unit to whom we lecture, test, 
and give a grade.  No conditions; no exceptions; no preconceptions; no 
judgments.  Just a lot of empathy, what Goleman calls "cognitive empathy," 
understanding what others think, and "emotional empathy," understanding what 
others feel," and then putting the two in practice with "empathic concern,"  
The last snuffs out selfishness and ignites engaged kindness, caring, faith, 
hope, and love.

        In that vein, I hold this truth to be self-evident,  that every student 
is unique, sacred, noble, chosen, extraordinary, and filled with untold and 
unique potential for success and significance.   It is my absolute truth; it is 
my single certainty; it is my true north.  And, there is great power in that 
truth.  It is the foundation of my avowed vision and the core of my articulated 
philosophy and the essence of my relationships.  In the spirit of John Dewey, 
Carl Rogers, Abraham Mazlow, Ed Deci, Carol Dweck, Teresa Amabile, Barbara 
Fredrickson, Richard Boyatis, Sonya Lyubomirsky, Daniel Goleman, Howard 
Gardner, and a host of others,  I am not a mere transmitter; I am a catalytic 
transformer.  I am in the "people business."

        The "don't belong" and the "they're letting anyone in" students, then, 
are not the problem in academia.  It's the blinding and deafening "weed them 
out" attitude of too many professors who see too many students as "don't 
belongs" and "they're letting anyone ins" who are the problem.  That tunnel 
mentality, that dark side of the force, fraught with anger, frustration, 
anxiety, is the real problem.  Remember, all you have to do is add a "d" to 
anger and you're in "danger."  Personally, without seeing and listening through 
the prism of my vision and philosophy, I would have missed a lot and wouldn't 
have taken the cap off of opportunities and possibilities, both mine and each 
of theirs.   Then, you become a believing, faithful, hopeful, and loving 
nurturer, helping each student get out grinding down grit help her/himself get 
the girt, the resolve and faith to grow in Carol Dweck's can-do "growth 

        Practicing "lovingkindness" doesn't happen by itself.  It is not easy.  
It is hard to do; it does take a lot of effort.  It takes small step by small 
step.  It take soft and encouraging word by soft and encouraging word.  It 
takes person by person.  In the words of Leo Buscaglia, "Too often we 
underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an 
honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the 
potential to turn a life around."  But, as with any physical muscle, the more 
you constantly work at it, the more you exercise it, the more you build it up; 
and, the stronger it gets.  So, it takes constant awareness, attentiveness, and 
altertness, especially about ourselves, to get ourselves into better emotional 
shape and in a better place.  But, it's worth it.  The "kindness curriculum" 
developed at the University of Wisconsin and research on compassion coming out 
of CCARE at Stanford show that.  So, this is not "touchy-feely" fluff.  It's 
physically, intellectually, and emotionally healthier; it's more calming; it's 
far more satisfying and fulfilling.  It helps us do a better job of choosing 
who we see, to what we listen, how we feel, and how we act.  And, it's more 
meaningful.  I can attest that to have a fearless heart, to have the strength 
and courage to be compassionate, to have the dedication to practice 
unconditional faith, hope, and love can transform lives:  theirs and ours.

        That was the name of the game for me when I taught.  When I was in the 
classroom for me, that "people" vision, that "personalist" philosophy, that 
hygienic core, summed up in my "Teacher's Oath," my "Ten Commandments of 
Teaching," and my "Just Like Me" statement not only got the ball rolling each 
day with a "yes, it created the compelling force that kept it rolling.  It was 
a purpose and meaning that created a powerful intention for me and fed that 
intention with untold energy.  It endowed me with a productive enthusiasm, the 
energy of which I put into imagining what can be, clarifying where I wished to 
go, and making the effort to get there.  It strengthened me, innoculated me 
with a quieting empathy, gave me courage, invigorated me, steadied me, gave me 
faith and hope, and, above all, put me at peace with myself.  You see, my 
vision defined precisely what teaching meant to me.  It acted like motrin, 
allowing me to avoid the aches and pains of complaining, feeling resigned, 
aggravated, angry, and frustrated.

Make it a good day


Louis Schmier                          
203 E. Brookwood Pl               
Valdosta, Ga 31602
(C)  229-630-0821                             /\   /\  /\                 /\    
                                                      /^\\/  \/   \   /\/\__   
/   \  /   \
                                                     /     \/   \_ \/ /   \/ 
/\/  /  \    /\  \
                                                   //\/\/ /\    \__/__/_/\_\/   
 \_/__\  \
                                             /\"If you want to climb 
mountains,\ /\
                                         _ /  \    don't practice on mole 
hills" - /   \_


Subject: Proquest Dissertation vs PsycInfo for Dissertation Info:  Which Do You 
From: "Mike Palij" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 11:40:15 -0400
X-Message-Number: 4

Back in 1984 when I got everything done for my dissertation,
I submitted a copy of the bound volume to Dissertation Abstracts
International (DAI)  at the University of Michigan.  In subsequent
years, DAI was purchased by a variety of companies (see: )
and its present form is Proquest Dissertations (at NYU there is
a "Plus" version plus some specialized area databases).
In the earlier version of DAI my dissertation has 1985 as the
date of "publication" but the Proquest database correctly
lists it as 1984.

However, when I use PsycInfo, it lists 1985 as the date for the
dissertation. Now, outside of a small circle of friends, I don't think
anyone cares that there is a discrepancy.  But I've just finished
a book review of a Festschrift for Richard Shiffrin and cited his
dissertation in the context of discussing the Atkinson & Shiffrin
model.  Below are the two references for Shiffrin's dissertation
that I found:

Shiffrin, R. M. (1968). Search and retrieval processes in long-term
memory. (Order No. 6908266). Available from ProQuest Dissertations
& Theses Global. (302384613).

Shiffrin, R. M. (1969). Search and retrieval processes in long-term
memory. Dissertation Abstracts International, 29(11-B), 4414. (from

NOTE: In the second ref I have "(from PsycInfo)" as a reminder for where
I obtained the reference -- it's inclusion would be a violation of APA

The Shiffrin entry has the same problem that my dissertation has.  I had
included both in my reference list and would decide which to use later.
But I forgot about this issue until a copy editor contacted me about
reference should be used.  I went with the Proquest 1968 version
because articles by Atkinson & Shiffrin in the late 1960s use 1968 for
the Shiffrin dissertation.

The question remains as to why the discrepancy exists.  The PsycInfo
entry says the dissertation is in DAI which should be the entry of
but the date is wrong (does 1969 reflect when it was published in the
paper version of DAI in contrast to the year that dissertation was
accepted for the Ph.D., usually representing the graduation date as
I've pointed this out to APA but I'm not sanguine about anything being
done to reconcile the two sources.

So, which source do you use and tell your students to use?  I don't
know how wide spread the problem is but I do know it affects citing
my dissertation.  Without additional information, how is one to know
which year is correct?

On a sidenote:  APA originally had book reviews published in the
journal "Contemporary Psychology" but Wikipedia says that in 2004
the name was changed to "PsycCritiques". This was more than just
a name change because PsycCritiques is actually a database of
book reviews that is indexed like a journal but is not exactly treated
as a journal.

Web of Science (WoS) is often used to identify "official
publications" (as defined by meeting criteria for inclusion in
the WoS database of sources) and provide citation statistics
(e.g., h-number, number of citations, etc.) includes "Contemporary
Psychology" in its database (a 1990 book review I wrote reliably
pops up) but it does not include book reviews published in
When queried, I was told by WoS that PsycCritiques is not a
journal, hence, not included. This means that old "Contemporary
Psychology" book reviews are included in the publication
count but recent reviews in PsycCritiques are not.

PsycInfo includes all book reviews in PsycCritiques and
"Contemporary Psychology" but APA has recently changed
the title of "Contemporary Psychology" entries to PsycCritiques.
So, my 1990 book review is identified as being published in
PsycCritiques.  I understand the desire for consistency but
I think this is just wrong.  If you were citing a book review,
would you use the current citation version in PsycInfo or the
more accurate WoS version?

Morale:  Don't accept entries in publication databases as
definitive because they may be off in one or more details.

-Mike Palij
New York University



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