But do they have an equivalent of the Raving Loony Party? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Official_Monster_Raving_Loony_Party
http://www.omrlp.com/http://www.omrlp.com/ Allen Esterson Former lecturer, Science Department Southwark College, London allenester...@compuserve.com http://www.esterson.org ------------------------------------------- [tips] hurray for Switzerland! John Kulig Thu, 22 Sep 2011 07:03:59 -0700 Edward Tufte should be happy. Switzerland, which is so democratic even a single person can start a political party, already has an Animals Party, a Men's party, a Swiss Fool's Party (devoted to restricting top salaries at public companies), a Green Party, a Pirate Party (for internet freedom), and an Auto Party (devoted to raising speed limits), now has an Anti-Powerpoint Party! Headed by Matthias Pöhm, he is the only person in it, but, it's a start?? http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/22/world/europe/political-parties-on-fringe-abound-in-switzerland.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=power%20point&st=cse ========================== John W. Kulig, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology Coordinator, University Honors Plymouth State University Plymouth NH 03264 ========================== --- You are currently subscribed to tips as: arch...@jab.org. To unsubscribe click here: http://fsulist.frostburg.edu/u?id=13090.68da6e6e5325aa33287ff385b70df5d5&n=T&l=tips&o=12888 or send a blank email to leave-12888-13090.68da6e6e5325aa33287ff385b70df...@fsulist.frostburg.edu