Title: FW: Sanitation Engineer (STIFM1)

Arek2 tolong sebarno ndhik konco2 kabeh.

mantan dukun L-8

 -----Original Message-----

Subject:        Sanitation Engineer (STIFM1)


Tolong forward ke teman-teman alumni Tek Penyehatan kalau ada yang mau untuk position di bawah ini.
Lokasi kerja sorowako, no-housing fasilities, but will accept housing allowance around 620K (Single)
dan 690K (for married) status.

Batas pemasukan : Sabtu, 2 April 2005

Kalau ada yang tertarik bisa kirim e-mail ke :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


IKA ITS Sorowako


PT. International Nickel Indonesia Tbk (PT Inco Tbk), a fully-integrated nickel mining and processing, Canadian-based company, located in Soroako, South Sulawesi is inviting a high achieving professional, who can work in a team, to fill the following position for:

Sanitation Engineer (STIFM1)

Purpose of the Role:
Conduct town infrastructure and facilities maintenance consist of potable water distribution, treatment and sewage plant within high quality standard of service to meet customers expectation.

1.      D3/S1 Sanitation Engineering
2.   3 years (S1) and 5 years (D3) working in planning, design, implementation, operation and supervision of potable water distribution, treatment plant, or sewage plant

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