The following errata report has been held for document update 
for RFC7919, "Negotiated Finite Field Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral Parameters for 
Transport Layer Security (TLS)". 

You may review the report below and at:

Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical

Reported by: Martin Thomson <>
Date Reported: 2017-01-16
Held by: Paul Wouters (IESG)

Section: 4

Original Text
   If a compatible TLS server receives a Supported Groups extension from
   a client that includes any FFDHE group (i.e., any codepoint between
   256 and 511, inclusive, even if unknown to the server), and if none
   of the client-proposed FFDHE groups are known and acceptable to the
   server, then the server MUST NOT select an FFDHE cipher suite.  In
   this case, the server SHOULD select an acceptable non-FFDHE cipher
   suite from the client's offered list.  If the extension is present
   with FFDHE groups, none of the client's offered groups are acceptable
   by the server, and none of the client's proposed non-FFDHE cipher
   suites are acceptable to the server, the server MUST end the
   connection with a fatal TLS alert of type insufficient_security(71).

Corrected Text
   If a compatible TLS server receives a Supported Groups extension from
   a client that includes any FFDHE group (i.e., any codepoint between
   256 and 511, inclusive, even if unknown to the server), and if none
   of the client-proposed FFDHE groups are known and acceptable to the
   server, then the server MUST NOT select an FFDHE cipher suite.  In
   this case, the server SHOULD select an acceptable non-FFDHE cipher
   suite from the client's offered list.

The text is overly prescriptive about the alert code that needs to used if 
there are no acceptable cipher suites available.  If the server is unable to 
pick a cipher suite, it can send a handshake_failure(40) alert, which this text 
would prohibit.  handshake_failure is at least equally valid in practice.

This eliminates the prescriptive text about the alert type.

Servers eliminate cipher suites from considerations in numerous ways.  Being 
able to definitively identify the reason as a (perceived) shortcoming in the 
strength of the offered security is actually quite challenging in practice.

It's true that insufficient_security is perhaps a more desirable code to use in 
this case, but it's not generically possible to determine that the server 
configuration is "more secure" than the combinations on offer by the client.  
Consider also the possibility that it's the server that is insecure because it 
doesn't some of the options offered by the client.  That's a general criticism 
of the value of insufficient_security, but it should at least motivate why 
insufficient_security should never be mandated in this way.

Paul Wouters(AD): After discussion with Martin, we propose that the correction 
required is only the removal of "of type insufficient_security(71).".

As Martin explains: 

Having a MUST on this is not appropriate in that sense.  What would be 
acceptable is:

   [...] the server terminates the connection according to Section 4.1.1 of 

Of course, that would depend on time travel in the sense that RFC 7919 
pre-dates TLS 1.3 by a fair bit and so it can't really refer to it like that.

RFC7919 (draft-ietf-tls-negotiated-ff-dhe-10)
Title               : Negotiated Finite Field Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral 
Parameters for Transport Layer Security (TLS)
Publication Date    : August 2016
Author(s)           : D. Gillmor
Category            : PROPOSED STANDARD
Source              : Transport Layer Security
Area                : Security
Stream              : IETF
Verifying Party     : IESG

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