Hi everybody, I thought you would get a kick out of this whatever you want to call this. I sent this to my friend. Enjoy
Hi Sue
Boy what a crazy 5 days. First thing was my home phone had a lot of noise, got it fixed, then had the same problem on Thur. He had to run another line to my home on Sat.Then my monitor went into cyber space, talked to Dell tech 3 different times but not luck. Then I called Walmart and they had 17" flat screen one for $116. It was a KDS USA, never heard of it before. I took it out of the box and you wouldn't believe what brand it was!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I almost fell into a sink hole. It was a  DELL!!! The top of the box was re-sealed, it is brand new and no one knows how it got there!!! WalMart said I could bring it back and exchange it, I said Nooooooooooooooooo  Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy LOL
Then I tried to sign on with Netzero, what a trip that was!! LOL I got disconnected so many times and several times I had to re-install it. I felt like throwing the new monitor out the window! No, No, No So all the "free" extras I had trouble with too. It says you don't have to have a lot of PC knowledge, ha, ha. Guess I must be in kindergarten!!!! May be in pre school would make a lot more since huh??? LOL
Things were ok except for the hoorays of Net zero. Thennnn, I was still having the terrible time with N Z. My Mom said to go back to AOL and drop N Z. I did that and this afternoon my pc phone went dead!!! They got it on in less then 40 mins.
Then the only way I was told to get some of my addresses I had to send an e-mail telling them I went back to AOL. I wonder how many will not remember my AOL one cuz I never put it in the e-mail! LOL
I guess this wraps it up, man I hope so, had my fill and it sure wasn't from turkey. Miss you lots and hope to see you soon.
Love ya

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