Hi everyone!  Happy New Year and Happy Birthday to all the other January 
  It is so great to be on this list...people don't forget about you or delete 
you, when you haven't posted in a few months!!!  Thanks so much for that!  It 
is nice to know that you are all here to answer questions and be supportive 
when that is so needed!  Have a great year all!

  Hey! Let's us Januaries show all the others how to have the best birthdays
ever! Happy Birthday everybody!
1- 7-77 Lauren

1/8/51 Nancy Williams

1-8-51 Sandi
1/9/60 Julienne

1/13 Debi
1-17 Jenna Stentz
1/20/56 Kay Cole
1-21 Blaine Frye
1/21 Carol Easterday
1/23/49 Patti Dotson
1-27-44 Pat S.
1-28 Holly 1-28 Sally and ME!


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