
I work at a psychiatric hospital. The unit I work on deals primarily with persons that have co-occurring diagnosis of mental illness and chemical dependency. We occasionally utilize naltrexone as an aid to assist alcoholics or opioid dependent persons refrain from benefiting from those drugs. It is my understanding that naltrexsone blocks the parts of your brain that “feel” pleasure when you use alcohol and narcotics. When these areas of the brain are blocked, you feel less need to drink alcohol or take narcotics, and you can stop using these substances more easily. When I first read the letter you are referring to I asked the pharmacist and the psychiatrist that I work with their opinions of using naltrexsone for pain management and they both were unsure of how it could be used in this manner. But, they are willing to read any literature that can definitively demonstrate quality pain management they would be willing to give it a try. So, if you hear of anything, let me know. One of the problems we had in the past with naltrexsone was that if you stop taking it today, you can drink or use today. But there is a new version of in called Vivitrol that is injectable and supplies the patient a dose for one full month. We have found it very useful especially in the early months of recovery. I'll bet the company that is making Vivitrol might have some studies that may help you.

Larry in Oklahoma TM since 09/74

Larry Throne, MSW

To: "tmic" <>
Subject: [TMIC] low dose naltrexone
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2007 15:28:51 -0500

back in nov....a posting about low dose naltrexone was listed..i did some print outs about it and gave them to
my dr...he was going to look into it...has anybody else done any research about the LDN as they call it??
has anybody else tried it to see if it helps??    i go to my dr next week and am looking for any additional info
to give him about anyone else using it
BOB from PA....TM since 04/04......... HAVE A GOOD DAY EVERYONE

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