Hi everyone, this is Cammy.
I have been reading all your correspondences and have learned so much.
I just want to remind all of you that as Natalie has said here, some of the 
doctors don't know a lot. The reason I got into the TM group was because the 
doctors in Portland, OR, did not test my future daughter-in-law for a spinal 
stroke, fortunately they knew about TM, but missed the stroke. They don't know 
everything so please don't get discouraged, and stay in touch with this group, 
cause you are not crazy, in fact in my book you are all very courageous, 
amazing and smart people.

From: Natalie Boyles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007 9:49 PM
To: tm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] scissoring legs

Oh my I can barely hop, if at all. Not sure if it is hop or a stumble. And, 
skipping is totally gone. It is as if my body does not comprehend what my mind 
is telling it to do. It is strange. I wonder why all neuros do not ask us to 
try it. And, I wonder why this does not show up on the nerve conduction tests. 
I know one neuro thought my emg test was awful, but then he finally decided I 
must be causing the poor results. Only one neuro thought I might have a slight 
nerve delay or whatever it is called. This little hop/skip thing at least makes 
me feel there is reason I have such difficulty. Thanks for sending in this info.
Natalie B

On Nov 8, 2007 7:39 PM, Louise Croyden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]<mailto:[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>> wrote:
Hi All,

I don't write in very often but I noticed your message about trying to hop.  
The physiotherapist I am seeing had me try to hop and to skip.  I couldn't do 
either.  Have you tried skipping yet?  It definitely is a strange feeling to 
get all psyched up to hop off the floor and the feet just stay planted there!

I asked why and she said that both hopping and skipping require very quick 
messages between the nerves, brain and muscles and, when we have a spinal cord 
injury, the responses aren't fast enough.  They aren't her exact words, and it 
was a few months ago, but that is the gist of it.  I asked if practising would 
help but, if I remember correctly, she didn't seem to think it would.  I think 
she was using it more as a diagnostic tool than an exercise for me to do.



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