I can’t believe you are still working.    What do you do and how old are you?   
 I am so sorry about all the pain you are in and really hope the meds, whatever 
they are, do the job.
Keep posting to us and let us know how you are doing.

From: Deb Monteleone 
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 5:27 PM
To: 'Janice Nichols' ; ; 'Robert Pall' 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

Janice and all members,


You hit the nail on the head, for me anyway.  I am guilty of mostly reading and 
occasionally writing.  I still go to my “in person” MS support group for mainly 
that reason, to help the newly diagnosed.  I figure they were there for me, I 
do take a break every now and then.  I have TM that was caused by MS.  


As most of this group I am in constant pain, both legs and feet.  Whenever 
possible I take my shoes off because they cause my feet, then legs to hurt 
more.  I haven’t worn socks in just over 3 years.  Lucky me, from not wearing 
shoes around the house and still hanging on to a lot of extra weight I got 
Plantar Fasciitis in my left foot.  It was like a knife going into my heel 
every step I took.  Went and got a shot in the heel, then 3 months later 
another one, then 2 weeks later a 3rd one, hopefully 3rd is the charm.  But 
since this started in December I now have to wear shoes ALL the time and a 
splint at night.  Needless to say, my feet and legs were/are not happy wearing 
shoes so my symptoms (numb, needles, spasticity, etc.) have intensified, but 
the interesting thing is they are not as sharp.


I am also in the process of eliminating my Avinza (morphine) from my arsenal of 
meds.  Doctor gave me Oxicontin to help with any possible withdrawal, I am 
using only one a day instead of the 1 2x a day if necessary as prescribed.  
Never did drugs so not sure what withdrawal feels like.  Tomorrow will be a 
full week, 2 days I did take the 2nd pill.  I have felt odd at times, I guess 
edgy, confused and more pain.  Hope I can continue without Morphine and will 
try to stop Oxicontin next week.


Unfortunately I did find out that I need to ease the pain somewhat.  Before I 
stopped the morphine, I was at work in so much pain, had to leave at 1:00, 
cried all the way home.  The next morning when taking my morning meds, I 
noticed the days before was still there, I had gone to work unarmed.  At least 
it explained it.


I know this is long but wanted to mention how great this site has been for my 
husband to really understand TM.  He reads all of the emails which helps him to 
believe and understand what I say is truly happening to me daily.  As a human 
we tend to diminish a person’s symptoms over time but this groups emails keep 
it real.


I thank you all for sharing on this site, it helps in so many ways and I 
apologize for not participating more.  Not an excuse but after working all day 
I just wanted to read and not get involved.  My bad.


Make it a great day,



From: Janice Nichols [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 9:13 AM
To:; Robert Pall
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?


Still here!      It seems to be another “quiet” time.     At night after going 
to bed, I seem to think of things I want to ask the group, but then with my 
brilliant memory, I forget by morning.

We have had some new people join the group lately, which is good.      I think 
there are many of us that still read whatever comes across our website, but 
don’t bother to get into it either

because they are subjects that have been discussed long ago and they put their 
2 cents worth in at that time, or feel they have nothing to offer.       We 
really need to respond more for

the new ones just joined and the new ones need to jump in and add to the 
conversation too.        This is a great website with terrific people and we 
need to keep it going with comments

and questions and responses.





From: Robert Pall 

Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 7:33 AM


Subject: [TMIC] Is anyone here?


Hi...lately the only mail I receive is from"friends living with TM" ....I just 
left that facebook room because I was getting far to many chats. Is our network 
still active or has everyone joined another group. This is where I started and 
this is where I belong.
I would love to hear back from all of the "active" members and see how they are 
Rob in New Jersey 

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