Getting closer and closer to our needs...     
"Today we are extremely pleased to announce that the Myelin Repair Foundation 
has achieved its goal of a myelin repair Phase 1 clinical trial for multiple 
sclerosis three years earlier than expected.
This achievement illustrates the effectiveness of our innovative Accelerated 
Research Collaboration (ARC) Model to advance research forward, moving closer 
to the development of a myelin repair therapeutic for MS patients. However, 
even with this incredible success, it is paramount we continue to aggressively 
push research forward into multiple clinical trials, giving us the best chance 
of developing an effective myelin repair drug as rapidly as possible.
With our support, MRF Principal Investigator Dr. Robert Miller at Case Western 
Reserve University's research has now entered into a Phase 1 clinical trial. 
This trial is being conducted at Cleveland Clinic, examining the efficacy of a 
new myelin repair therapeutic pathway with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs).
For more information on the clinical trial and other multiple sclerosis trials 
in progress, please visit
As momentous as this milestone is for all of us at MRF and MS patients 
worldwide, this achievement would not be possible without your generosity. Now 
more than ever, we need your support to continue to optimize our success. Thank 
You may read the full clinical trial press release here, or learn more about 
MRF's recent research breakthroughs by visiting our website at
Best regards,
Myelin Repair Foundation Staff"

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