Someone say fatigue???

It is good to see the end of this summer.  Fatigue, lack of concentration,
forgetfulness (can you say, "Alzheimer's?), all of it.  Then you lay there
and the pain kicks in.  At least when moving and active with something the
pain is not so noticeable.

But I thank God for all of it.  We are lucky in that we are given the chance
to become detached from the things of this world way before we must take
leave of it.  On this earth we walk on our feet; but in the next world we
will fly with wings created from good deeds and helpful thoughts.  Those who
have not developed such wings, when pushed out of the nest of this world,
will fall to the ground, unable to take flight.

"O My servants, sorrow not if in these days and on this earthly plain,
things contrary to your wishes have been ordained and manifested by God.
For days of blissful joy, of heavenly delight, are assuredly in store for
you.  Worlds holy and spiritually glorious will be unveiled to your eyes.
You are destined by God, in this world and hereafter, to partake of their
joys, to share in their benefits, and to obtain a portion of their
sustaining grace.  To each and every one of them, you will, no doubt,

Love and prayers,

Dalton Garis
Flushing, Queens
New York, USA

From:  Linda Egli <>
Reply-To:  Linda Egli <>
Date:  Wed, 18 Sep 2013 16:50:17 -0700 (PDT)
To:  "" <>
Cc:  "" <>
Subject:  Re: [TMIC] Re:  TM & Exhaustion
Resent-From:  <>
Resent-Date:  Wed, 18 Sep 2013 16:50:18 -0700 (PDT)

> Jude,
>  I too have had bad fatigue & a miserable summer.  The hotter it gets, the
> worse the fatigue.  Sometimes I spend the day in my recliner.  I have lost 8
> pounds (YEA!) this summer, but it is because  of the fatigue & it has just
> been too hot to eat.  My PCP started me on a drug called Nuvigil a week ago &
> it is working wonders.  This is a newer version of the Provigil that I took
> about 5 years ago, but Provigil kept me awake 22 hours a day.  No side effects
> with the new drug.  Of course it is one of the new drugs not covered by
> insurance, but I figure I can afford it at least until it cools off here (East
> Texas).   We are expecting temperatures to finally hit highs only in the 80's
> next week. 
> Take care, 
> Linda E.
>    From: "" <>
>  To:
>  Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 12:51 PM
>  Subject: [TMIC] Re:  TM & Exhaustion
> Hi Friends,
> Are any of you suffering with exhaustion?  I am so tired all of the time that
> I can't stand it.  What do you do to rid yourself of this malady?
> I hope that you have had a nice summer and you are looking forward to a
> beautiful fall.  Winter will soon be here and it will be freezing cold here in
> Michigan.  How does your TM make you feel in the cold weather?
> I love you,
> Jude

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