Hi Everyone,
We just moved and I want you  all to have my new mailing address and new 
phone number.  Our new address  is:
Jude & Dave  Hoops
129 West Lakeview  Avenue
Flint, MI. 48503
Our phone number is:  810-407-6311
Note:  For some reason  the post office requires that everything is spelled 
out completely and not  abbreviated.  "West" has to be spelled out, as well 
as, "Avenue".   There is another 129 Lakeview Avenue, and I guess they get 
them mixed up a lot,  so make sure, if you write, to spell everything out 
I hope to hear from some or  even all of you soon.  I miss hearing from 
you.  I see you on  Facebook, but it's not the same as getting a written note 
in my  mailbox.
What have you been talking  about in my absence?  The move took a couple of 
weeks and I didn't have a  computer the whole time.  It felt like I was 
living back in the "olden"  days.
Thanks for letting me take up  some of your precious time.  I love you all 
and please remember to drop me  a line just so I know that you are still 
alive and well.
Love & Hugs,

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