I totally agree Rick.
Durham, UK.

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On 30 May 2013, at 19:10, Rick Ashford <crashf...@outlook.com> wrote:

> Hi Nikki, Its a sad thing that happened to you but you are a lucky girl to 
> have such a great mate. So little credit is given to the wives and husbands 
> that live through our everyday struggles. My wife has always cared for me 
> every step of the way. 
> Lets all give a rousing round of applause for the husbands and wives that 
> love us unconditionally. We love you all so much. Rick in Tn
> CC: tmic-list@eskimo.com
> From: nmacleo...@yahoo.co.uk
> Subject: [Bulk] Re: [TMIC] Re: Transverse Myelitis
> Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 23:05:35 +0100
> To: malugss...@gmail.com
> Hi everyone I hope u are well i am Nikki 26 years old and live with my 
> fiancee who is also my full-time carer.Amy it just demonstrates the fact that 
> many people around struggle to deal with so we are left quite alone but if 
> you have the fight and determination like you we can get through it. Like you 
> also I was affected highly at C4. This is my story below:
> On Mon 14th Feb 2011 I felt really poorly and had had a rough weekend. I was 
> suffering from a chest infection but I felt somewhat different that day and 
> was in bed really early as I was suffering with a severe headache so bad I 
> couldn't stand light or lift my head from the pillow. I went to sleep and 
> woke up with my partner at 5am, and at that point I couldn't feel my legs or 
> move them but thought I had trapped a nerve. I also still felt poorly but I 
> also had another symptom which was a painful and stiff neck. After waking up 
> at 8am when my mam came to my house the numbness was going up my body and my 
> noon I could only move my head. My fiancé and mam decided to call 999 and I 
> went to the Emergency Department had an MRI, transferred to a specialist 
> hospital where I was put on 5 days of IV steroids and weeks of oral 
> sterothids, I was also given plasma exchange but it was too late as I hadn't 
> been took seriously on my previous visits to A&E. Luckily I could still 
> breathe on my own and after intensive physiotherapy over 2 years I gained 
> partial usage of my arms which has improved over time. I was 23 years old 
> when TM struck and spent my 24th birthday in one of the many hospitals I was 
> in and put on a brave face for the sake of everyone else. Even at the time 
> doctors have told me I will never walk again and i have been told that over 
> and over again. Its something which I have came to terms with but others 
> haven't and recently I've had my Achilles' tendons cut to try and correct the 
> severe foot drop & toe drop as I won't need them to walk.
> I have a lot of continued support of my fiancée who has been my rock and 
> total support through all of this - I couldn't have got through it without 
> him. He's one in a million!! 
> The saying "you don't know what you've got til it's gone" has never been more 
> fitting. Who thought that knowing when you need the toilet would suddenly one 
> day be the only thing you ever want BUT he ho that is why WE HAVE EACH OTHER 
> to bounce and share things.
> Sorry for rambling!
> Nikki
> Durham, UK.
> Sent from my iPad
> On 29 May 2013, at 21:39, Dalton Garis <malugss...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Janice;
> Has Amy tried Lyrica?  For me it is the only medicine that has kept the bee 
> stings away.
> Dalton (TM Class of '2009)
> From: Janice Nichols <jannic...@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 11:38:19 -0500
> To: amy shultz <mic...@hotmail.com>, TM group <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Transverse Myelitis
> Resent-From: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
> Resent-Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 09:38:16 -0700 (PDT)
> Amy, I think we have  talked before, but I did not know the extent of how TM 
> left you.   I am so very sorry that that damn TM did this to you and at such 
> a young age.    You are a very
> courageous lady.    You have not let TM claim the real you  -  just your 
> body.   But, it would be pretty hard to live with.    Family and good friends 
> are a tremendous help in this situation.
> Some with TM have lost spouses, family, and friends due to TM.    They just 
> don’t want to deal with it – so you are lucky in that way.    I am too.     
> Keep bugging the doc’s to find a medication
> that can ease the pain – with all that is out there now, there has to be 
> something for you for pain relief.
> Keep in touch with us and let us know what you are doing and how you are 
> doing.    Believe me, we care.
> Janice
> From: amy shultz
> Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 7:40 PM
> To: TM group
> Subject: RE: [TMIC] Re: Transverse Myelitis
> My TM story began in March of 96. I was 19 yrs old and had graduated from 
> High School and had a soccer scholarship to Notre Dame. While having an MRI 
> on my jaw for TMJ the doctors said I had an "unrelated" seizure. After waking 
> up in the hospital my arms were really heavy and had horrible pain around my 
> mid section, and couldnt move my legs. By the next morning I couldnt move my 
> arms or legs, couldnt talk. Couldnt breathe. I endured test after test after 
> test. They kept thinking MS as my mom has MS but they couldnt confirm it.I 
> was in a rehab hospital and a nursing home for a total of 14 weeks. After 
> many weeks I was finally diagnosed after a second MRI showed lesions on my 
> spinal cord at C 4-5. Due to it being so long since I had had the initial 
> attack and doctors not familiar with TM, I was not treated with any steroids 
> or any other treatment. After intense therapy and many prayers after about 8 
> months I got use of my arms. Not 100% but some. My arms came back very 
> slowly. I was in therapy for months and months. I have yet to show any 
> improvement with my legs and am ventilator dependent. I had a neurogenic 
> bladder and bowels. I had my bladder removed in 03. I havent show much 
> improvement after the one year mark. I hold on to hope that one day there 
> will be treatment for us, or others like us. I deal with horrible pain and 
> spasms daily. Something I wouldnt wish on anyone. I have been unable to 
> return to school. It seems I am in and out of the hospital so much it makes 
> doing anything nearly impossible. Last year alone I was inpatient 13 times. 
> Not counting ER visits. I am on over 30 medications a day. I get exhausted 
> very easily and nap alot. But I still enjoy having fun and hanging with 
> family and friends and this TM will NEVER stop me from being me.
> Amy Shultz
> Columbus Ohio
> From: heyjude48...@aol.com
> Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 23:09:12 -0400
> To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: [TMIC] Re: Transverse Myelitis
> Hi Everyone!
> It's Jude Hoops.  I was just reading the quad list and they are talking about 
> their injuries at what level they are injured, how it happened and when it 
> happened.  Do you think that that would be something we could do too?
> I think it might be interesting to know how we were all injured or got sick 
> and how long ago it was.  We've all been on this list for a long time now and 
> I was wondering whether any of us had gotten any better over the years.
> Let me know what you think.  Just write a small paragraph about how you came 
> to have TM, what level your injury is at and if you have seen any improvement 
> over the years.
> I love you all so much and have been thinking of you.
> Hugs,
> Jude (TIAD)

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