I am just staring out on Lyrica and it seems to be helping better than the Neurontin.  I will know more in 2 or 3 weeks when I am totally off of Neurontin and on the therapeutic dose of Lyrica.  I also take Carisoprodol, but I am hoping that the Lyrica works well enough to stop taking this.  I tried Baclofen and it didn't work for me, but everyone's body chemistry is different.  Some of the things your husband is experiencing may be associated with age and the TM just makes them worse. 
----- Original Message -----
To: TM List
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 8:36 AM
Subject: [SPAM] [TMIC] More questions

Hi Everybody
A lot has been said about Lyrica and before that about Baclofen. I would like to clarify these points.
  • Those who are taking Lyrica are you on any other medication like Baclofen or Tizanidine or Zanaflex?
  • My husband Dev was put on Baclofen and Tizanidine. He started getting very tired. His left leg is very weak he cannot use it. He does regular physiotherapy but now he feels his right leg is getting weak. Is it fatigue?
  • He is using a walker at the moment and all the weight is borne by his arms so his arms get tired and at times he gets blisters on his palms. Will it be harmful or dangerous to his upper body if this goes on?
  • His back jams up at night. He is feeling a lot of pain lately. So he was put on Lyrica. Is this usual with TM?
These symptoms are coming now. Initially there was no pain (only burning), no spasms, his legs were almost ok and his balance had come back 70% but now after 1 1/2 year it is getting worse. Yet all the tests, MRI  and scans prove there is no further demyelination of the nerves and his VEP and BERM (sight and hearing evoked potential tests) are normal so MS is ruled out.
I was under the impression that TM is one time attatck it doesn't get worse, there is only residual effect of TM.
So is his condition getting worse because of
TM getting worse
or due to taking Baclofen
or overstraining of muscles
or what???????
Hope someone has some answers for me
Dev's love of life
from Kenyan coast

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