Other forms of myelitis may result from poliovirus, herpes zoster, herpesvirus B, or rabies virus; disorders that cause meningeal inflammation, such as syphilis, abscesses and other suppurative conditions, and tuberculosis; smallpox or polio vaccination; parasitic and fungal infections; and chronic adhesive arachnoiditis.

My younger brother had polio when he was 18 months old and I was 8 years old.  That was 55 years ago.  My question is:  Could the polio virus remained dormant in my body and then reared its ugly head and caused my TM 5 years ago?  Or--could we have a genetic predisposition for myelitis-type illnesses?  I've often wondered if there was a connection.  The paralysis he had was to his left eye!  My paralysis is to both arms and hands.


Priscilla in rainy TN 


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