Hi Folks,

i seldom post these days but each year on my TM anniversay I like to say hello to the TM world. Feb 4th was my 5th anniversary and I am pleased to report that I am still vertical and , contrary to the two year window for improvement rule, feel that I am still making gains. I have some pain issues and still cannot run without exposing myself to great danger but all in all I'm not complaining. Five years ago I was paralyzed and today I am going strong. I take meds for my pain and took part in a study in Boston dealing with SCI pain. I figured that being a lab rat would help our cause long term and it was kind of interesting to spend five weeks in hospital in another country. To be very brief this year.....my simple advice for new TM'ers is to not lose hope. Work hard at getting better because you are firmly in charge of your own destiny. I could have just sat down and quit but I realized that we don't arrive here with a warranty and sooner or later something is bound to screw up. With me it was my spinal cord at T-5-6.....with my '77 Camaro it was the transmission. The car was junked....I chose not to be. Sometime after getting TM, probably after two years or so, it dawned on me that worrying about how I got tm was a huge waste of time. If it was a virus, mold, mercury, falling,George Bush or just bad luck I was driving myself nuts trying to make it all make sense. The truth is that shit happens and you just have to deal with it. Someone wins the lottery and someone buys a seat on the wrong flight. I decided to play with the cards that were dealt me and get on with life. I've walked hundreds of miles over the past five years. For the first few months I used some form of asistance and at times I fell. I got up and tried again, then again. Now I look like anyone else walking along except for a slight limp. I enjoy golf and play better than I did before I got TM. Mostly because I know realize how unimportant golf is in the great scheme of things! It's been worth the fight to get back to where I am now....it really has. I can walk again.....I am able to pee and turn it off and on which is a damned exciting thing that only people such as us tm'ers can appreciate. I deal with my residual pain and try not to inflict my bad days on others. I also made some very good friends on this list who helped me through the difficult times with their encouragement and support. I can never properly thank them and although I have lost contact with some of them I will always be thankful for them. So.....no quitting ok! Try to wiggle that toe.....try to do a kegal......try to lift that leg....try to deal with the banding and the weird sensations and most importantly of all....try not to lose hope.

All the best,

(in NS)

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