*I wanted to write and thank all of you who have sent me  private emails re:
the Devic's patient from the Netherlands.  Currently her neuros are
conferring with the Mayo Clinic and her present treatment has been
affirmed.  Yesterday, she was put on a trach, and  was able to speak for the
first time in over 3 weeks.   It was a glorious moment for her husband.  I
continue to hold out great hope for her  recovery.*
*None of this would have occurred without the help of our Heather.  Thanks
to her prompt response to this plea, we were able to arrange a consultation
in short order.   It would be wonderful if this world had more people like
her---people who aren't afraid to get their feet wet, and who have such
great compassion for others.  Heather, I will be forever grateful to you for
calling this woman to my attention, as otherwise, it might have been some
time, before I became aware.   Her husband had also written to our resource
group after writing to the TMA forum, but I had neither recieved, nor
seen it at that time.  Thanks to Heather, we were able to get the ball
rolling quite quickly.  *
*Again, huge thank yous to all of you for your concern and prayers re: this

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