I make a lot of jokes simply to take some of the weight of TM  from our minds 
for a while, but it is people like Tim  who provide what I  feel are True 
Words of Wisdom that make us think and gives us actual relief from  Transverse 
I sincerely want to thank Tim for his diligence in providing  what I consider 
to be the Truth; but I also would like to say thank you to those  of you out 
there in internetland, who belong to the "List", who are of other  than the 
Christian faith.  I know and exchange email with people on the  List, who like 
me, have TM...and are of other beliefs.  I think  that they have shown patience 
and open-mindedness in not "saying" anything  detrimental to what I consider 
a lovely way to start my day.
Since Tim has been leaving these messages, I have received so  much relief 
and understanding iregarding my battle with TM, that I don't know  now what I 
would do without his emails.  
I don't know if I have said this "correctly"  or if I  have managed to get my 
message  out in the best possible manner, but  I  just want to thank those of 
you who do not believe as I do, and have  shown great tolerance in the matter.
Don't stop Tim...I love our Lord, my Father, and all of His  True Words and 
maybe, my hope is that your emails will bring about change in the  way of 
thinking of a few...even one person on the List...and that will make  it,  your 
emails, all worthwhile.
Please accept my sincerity in this email topic  and I would appreciate it if 
you all could just let it go and not make a big  deal out of what is probably 
another case of my continual battle with "foot in  mouth" disease.  I doubt if 
I will ever learn.
I love you  all...
"Our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet  they 
produce for us an immeasurably great Glory that will last forever"

2 Corinthians 4:17

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