Title: AOL Email
Good evening all,
Thanks for the words of encouragement at a time when I might not deserve it. 
Actually, things are looking up for me for a change.  I go in this week to have the last cast taken off and a new wheelchair is in the works.  I am offered the opportunity to spend a couple of months at a Rehab facility getting good and strong so that when the chair arrives I will be in good enough shape to do it justice.
We have someone from Braun coming out on Friday with an assortment of adapted vehicles so that we have an idea of what is available.  Since the new chair is so large and heavy and does not breakdown, we will have to buy a van in order to travel with it. 
I am somewhat worried about how Dave will handle things while I am gone, as we have two cats, both 17 years old and our only "babies" , who are in the end stages of renal failure.   I am afraid something will happen and Dave will have no one to lean on.  He does everything, every day to take care of the three of us, the house, the 5 acres, the cooking, the cleaning and all with not one stitch of help.  There are a couple of friends from Church who can come by and keep him company, but that is it.
Why this should cause me such consternation, but it does.  It is also his birthday and he will be spending it alone as well.  I am going to ask that some of you check in on him once or twice. 
His email address is:
And I know he will appreciate any "heads-up" you can share with him.  He is such a nice man with an interest in woodworking and horticulture, especially trees.  He is transplanting some this winter that have been in pots for two years.  As his email address eludes...his interest in the Beatles has not waned over the years.
I thank you all in advance for looking out for him while I am gone.
Thank you also for being so patient and understanding with my moodiness.  You are all dear to me.
Peace and Love,

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