I just wanted to let you know.  Acupuncture did work for me.  I am off all pain 
meds.  Just give it time and make sure you have someone that really understands 
what is going on with you.
Good luck, Jenna

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 8:27:28 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Five Year Plan

The medical community has had me for the first five years.  I have decided that 
I am not wild about their plan since obviously there is none so am devising my 
own.  My neuro is so busy that he will see me only twice a year so I am going 
to Charlotte, NC to see a new neuro that a friend of mine knows.  Am busy 
making a list of all of my problems which to some will see little but to me I 
want them better.  If any of you have any suggestions, feel free to become a 
part of my medical community. 
l. Feet feel like marbles with duct tape wrapped around them.  (Am finding that 
message helps a lot)
2. Legs feel like wooden solders.  (Message helps}
3  Pain right side and hip..  (Heating pad only thing that helps)
4. Right buttocks not happy.  (no suggestions Maybe loose weight.
5 Banding under boobs.  ( does not happen often but is getting worse)
6.Have you ever seen a little balloon inside a big one?  That is how my right 
side feels sometimes if this makes sense.
I walk with the cane and am finding I am hurting more when I walk.  If I could 
stay seated all the time I would be a happy camper
I am taking 2400 gabapentin and Tramadol when needed.  Have tried baclofen and 
cymbalta but could not take either.  My plan right now is to try everything 
that was suggested in the Spring newsletter. Pain doctor is being quite helpful 
with this.  This is an interesting article if you all have not seen it  Medical 
approach to the management of neuropathic pain.  Am trying acupuncture.. Jury 
still out on this.
Trudy in case you read this I am coming to Va. Beach in November for a bridge 
tournament.  Know you live in the eastern part of Virginia but am not sure 
where.  Do you happen to be in Va. Beach?  
Ann in Roanoke   (I am usually never chatty.)

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Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for 
today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.  

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