--- Begin Message ---
            General info
Subcription/unsubscription/info requests should always be sent to the -request
address of a mailinglist.
If a mailinglist for example is called "tmic-list@eskimo.com", then the -request
address can be inferred from this to be: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".

To subscribe to a mailinglist, simply send a message with the word "subscribe"
in the Subject: field to the -request address of that list.

To unsubscribe from a mailinglist, simply send a message with the word (you
guessed it :-) "unsubscribe" in the Subject: field to the -request address of
that list.

In the event of an address change, it would probably be the wisest to first
send an unsubscribe for the old address (this can be done from the new
address), and then a new subscribe to the new address (the order is important).

Most (un)subscription requests are processed automatically without human

Do not send multiple (un)subscription or info requests in one mail.  Only one
will be processed per mail.

NOTE: The -request server usually does quite a good job in discriminating
      between (un)subscribe requests and messages intended for the maintainer.
      If you'd like to make sure a human reads your message, make it look
      like a reply (i.e. the first word in the Subject: field should be "Re:",
      without the quotes of course); the -request server does not react to

An archive of old messages and additional resources can be browsed at:



--- End Message ---

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