Hi Gina,
My emails to the list also often come back as undeliverable, so what I do is either resend them as forwards, or send them as a carbon copy to the list.  I've heard several others mention this problem also.
I'm so sorry to hear of your husband's recent diagnosis.  What point is he at re: recovery?  Is he able to ambulate?   Regarding SSI, I too am in that process.  Currently I am receiving temporary SSI and Medicaid for a period of up to six months while they do final deliberations re: my case.  Of course, I am already preparing to appeal.  It can be a very long and drawn out process, but just hang in there and don't give up.  Does your husband have a caseworker or advocate to help him through the process?  During my appeal process, I plan to have legal representation to guide me through the sticky aspects.  Sometimes I wonder how much sicker I have to get before someone will help me.  Bob recently gave me some very good advice re: the whole SSI process.  If you like, I can forward it to you.

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