I have cried and cried (and smiled a bunch, too) after reading the responses here on TMIC to my first post several days ago.  I'm sending hugs back to each of you.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I know that you folks here understand the pain and difficulties.  I'm so glad I came back to TMIC! 
From reading your responses I see that I left out some things....
I am on Neurontin.  I take 3400 mg. a day.  And I up it for a few days if I'm having more problems.
I forgot to mention in my first post that I also have been dxed with Trigeminal Neuralgia.  I take Neurontin for Trigeminal Neuralgia as well as for spasms and nerve pain. 
AND in 2002 I nearly died in a bad rollover wreck.  The accident investigator said I rolled my van "9 or 10 times over and over and end to end".  I was driving erratically that day and was going 90 mph they said.  I don't really remember much but I do know I shouldn't have been driving.  I wasn't wearing a seat belt either.  I was literally scalped when my hair got caught in the broken dash cover and tore my scalp off (it was successfully reattached with 54 staples), I broke my neck (just a laminar fracture), broke all my right posterior ribs, co lapsed a lung and had some big gashes, etc.  I floated between life and death for nearly a week.  It's been a really long road to recovery from that wreck.  I no longer drive as a result of that wreck.  The accident investigator said he wouldn't charge me if I voluntarily stopped driving.  lol  I had already made that de! cision though.  I didn't hit anyone or cause anyone else to wreck and for that I am very thankful.  Having MS made recovery harder, according to my doctors.  I have a lot of back problems as a result of that wreck and I'm even 'spacier' than I was before (if that's really possible). 
I used to be on antidepressants but stopped them (on my own) a year ago.  I clearly need something again though.  My primary care gave me samples of Cymbalta to try but I haven't started them yet.  I've decided to try Sam E first.  My 35 year old daughter has suffered with depression for a long time and she just started on Sam E the first of the year and the change in her has been incredible.  Absolutely incredible!  I've ordered some Sam E to try before I go on a regular antidepressant.  But I will do something.  I don't like feeling like this and I know I ne! ed to do something about it. 
I also have cognitive dysfunction caused by the plaques in my brain.  I have short term memory loss and I often have to 'search' for words in my brain.  I usually remember them after a while though.  I hate to feel stupid!  I've always been really sharp mentally... so it's hard.  I work at keeping my brain functioning.  I read everyday and I do crosswords puzzles on the advice of my neurologist.  I also find if I play cards regularly it also helps me 'think'. 
I can't think of anything else to tell you all.  I am going to work on answering individually too.
Thanks again friends.

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