
I¹m much better today, with energy increased and ability to do things.  I am
very happy and thankful to God for this day.  I guess that¹s TM for ya, up a
few days and down a few days.  But I have only been diagnosed with TM since
April so I am still learning its course and ways.

God bless,


From: Janice Nichols <>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 22:24:31 -0600
To: john snodgrass <>, transverse myelitis
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Doc Pomus
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 20:24:27 -0800

Would you believe that on "House" that they had a patient they diagnosed
with TM?!    It was brought on by some other problem, not idiopathec.
But, it was at
least exposure to TM.

From: john snodgrass <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:18 PM
To: transverse myelitis <>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Doc Pomus

 lol,,sounds like a good "House" episode

--- On  Wed, 11/17/10, Dalton Garis <>  wrote:
> From:  Dalton Garis <>
> Subject:  Re: [TMIC] Doc Pomus
> To:, "TMIC" <>
> Cc:  "Brooks Garis" <>
> Date:  Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 7:18 PM
>  Well, Bernie;
> I can fully appreciate the  problem of mis-diagnosis, because I have gone from
> being a whole bunch  of things this past year, to wit:
> 1. Could be  Lyme Disease.  No, that¹s not right. All tests were negative for
> Lyme.  But you never know!
> 2. Ok!   Multiple Sclerosis.  That¹s it, because it is targeting  just the
> left side and you had two attacks more than one month apart  from which you
> mostly recovered.  Ah, not so fast.  We¹ll  call it, ³demyelinating disease,
> unspecified.²  
> 3. It¹s TM.   Definitely!  It is on both sides of your body equally now;  it
> followed a severe, unexplained backache, it affects you from the  level of
> several thoracic vertebrae, and your reactions are  hypersensitive, you are
> spasmodic all over, there is banding pain in  the torso, and . . . , and . . .
> , and . . . . Diagnosis: ³Transverse  myelitis, partial.²
> 4. (5 months  later) Well, good news!  The MRI  was basically clear in  spine
> and brain, except where we can¹t see because of your steel rods  (most of the
> back), and some weird stuff in your brainstem.  It  is therefore likely all
> due to your old back fusions and the steel  rods.  We¹ll hold off
> re-diagnosing for now.
> 5. OK, wait:  The old back fusions and steel rods are all pristine.  No
> difficulty there.  Maybe epilepsy, That could explain a lot of  what you seem
> to be suffering. 
> 6. Well, no  epilepsy.  Tests were all negative.
> 7. And, your  new symptoms, fatigue, facial pain on left side only; no
> headache or  migraine‹myasthenia gravis ?
> 8. Meanwhile,  how is your Lyrica holding out?  Need a  refill?
> LOL!
> What happened to the TM?   Am I one of those who got mostly better?
> Myasthenia gravis?   I am now having new symptoms of extreme fatigue and pain
> in the  limbs and left side of the face, needles and pins.  For a while now  I
> have tried to get up in the morning only to be forced back to bed by  fatigue
> and pain.  After more rest and two more attempts I succeed  in getting up and
> dressed.  My spine is just burning up, from  thoracic to lumbar.  But that is
> an old symptom.  The attacks  of spasms are mostly gone now.
> Good thing I teach an 11:00  lecture and can sit in my office the rest of the
> time.  My old  skating routine several times per week, or even once per week,
> is not  possible at the moment.  It now hurts to type for very long.
> I am desperate for ideas here.  Anyone with some  thoughts on this sack of
> symptoms?
> I have no idea what is  happening, and the neuro has given up thinking about
> it.  I hope to  get with another neuro this week or next.  Hope all this will
> pass  and I can get back to where I was a few weeks ago.
> Dalton
>  From: Bernie <>
> Date: Wed, 17 Nov  2010 10:57:07 -0800
> To: <>, TMIC <>
> Subject: Re: [TMIC]  Doc Pomus
> Resent-From: <>
> Resent-Date: Wed, 17  Nov 2010 10:57:16 -0800
>    I  believe that a LOT of people were misdiagnosed years ago as they did not
> have the diagnostic tools we have today.  I believe that people are  still
> misdiagnosed in our times now, due to doctors either not knowing  about it,
> misinformation,  or just plain hard heads who won't  listen to anyone else.
> Even though I was diagnosed with TM,   I still think I have MS,  but cannot
> have an MRI done because  of the pump in my abdomen.  Just my 2 cents  worth.
>  Peace,
>  Bernie in  Texas

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