I am feeling so much more relieved - I just got off the phone with my LTD 
lawyer.  She said that I should have a "very GOOD" christmas gift.

Please any and everyone who is on LTD, tell your neuro to NEVER send anything 
to the LTD insurance company with just YES/NO answers.  And, if they get 
anything from the LTD insurance company, to contact you.

My LTD company, to get me off their rolls, sent my neuro a questionaire with 
just YES/NO answers.  In the past, I had gotten a package with questions for me 
and my neuro. I would then have to take the dr forms to my neuro and pick them 
up and send/fax all info.  But in March, 2008, the LTD insurance company 
bypassed me and sent the form to my neuro - TRICKY LITTLE @#...@#@ BA&TURDS.  
Then in June, 2008 a check for 4 days - no letter, nothing to explain why.  
From there it's been hell trying to pay bills and get things done.  I need 
weekly help with clearning and laundry, yard work, maintenance etc.  I do the 
basics for me and my pets and that takes all of my time and energy.

Anyway, please say a prayer for me that I do get that "very GOOD" christmas 

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

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