Hi everybody
This was on my RP group and thought this might be helpful for some of you that are trying to get disability. Good luck and let me know if it works for any of you.
Love to all
Hi, Lucy here,  I don't know how long it has been since I posted about this but I filed for my SS Disability, waited for about 2 months, decided that I would not wait to be turned down so I wrote a letter to my Congressman and within less than 2 weeks, I had a call from his Sec. on a Friday afternoon, telling me that I had been approved for my SSDisability.  Just like that.  I had my paper work in order like Claudia, posts from Doctors, etc, a nice letter from my Chiropractor, etc.  I told my Congressman that there are always advertisements for lawyers wanting to get my Disability for me, that they have x number of years experience and that I needed that money they would get to pay my own bills that I was behind on from being the disabled one.  Good luck and let me know if I can be of any help also.  Love and Prayers, Lucy

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