Title: AOL Email
Hello my Christian friends,
I was recently introduced to a site where I believe God has taken a part in it's development.  I have had the pleasure of partaking of one of the CD"s sold in their online store (a very small part of this ministry).  It is called:
Ultimate Passion
Patricia King
Those of you who are Canadian probably know more about Ms. King and company than we in the U.S. since I believe that is where the Ministry originates.
The Site information is:
If you download any of the CD's, I would begin with Ultimate Passion.  It is one of the most lovely renderings of the story of Jesus that I have heard and I am eager to share it with you.
If you enjoy the experience, let me know.  I would be grateful for sites that you are aware of that are equally or more rewarding, as I am trying to steep my life with Jesus Christ.
As a result of the devastation of my heart by my beloved family members, He, Dave and you are all I have in this life. 
Thank you,
Your Sister, Jude

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