I agree with Heather.. get a second TV and/or computer. Better yet, get a 
Laptop and WIFI so you can use it anywhere even outside.
Marieke (who loves her MacBook!)

Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 20:06:54 -0700
Subject: tmic-digest Digest V2009 #361

--Forwarded Message Attachment--

tmic-digest Digest                              Volume 2009 : Issue 361
Today's Topics:
  Re: [TMIC] misc                       [ ]
  Re: [TMIC] misc                       [ "Pieter and Heather" <pieterheather ]

--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 01:03:06 -0400
Subject: Re: [TMIC] misc

Hi Rob,

Thanks for your message, and I'm so glad I could improve your day with mine to 
you.  I am sending this message to the whole group, so they can see what's up 
with me as well.

I really am not feeling sorry for myself.  I am not sleeping well, I wake up so 
many times at night with my legs in pain, once I finally get to sleep.  It is 
at least 3am before my legs settle down enough to get to sleep for a bit, 
unless I take a Vicodin.  I usally sleep for anything between 15 minutes and an 
hour on many nights, and this goes on until anytime between 10am and noon, when 
I finally drag my butt out of bed.  I am exhausted.  I take a Vicodin usually 3 
days a week, just to catch up on some sleep.  I need to use some of my 
marijuana tincture at night or a brownie on more nights, but that doesn't 
always work.  Between the two, if one of these methods is used almost every 
night, I should be better off in the sleep category.  I lowered my daily dosage 
of Neurontin over the past year and my pain level has increased.  My Neurontin 
dosage was up pretty high at 5200/day, and I really wanted it lower!
 ed, so I was able to lower 3600/day now, but I am paying the price during the 
night.  I also went on Lyrica at 50/mg 3x/day.

My husband retired last year and became interested in politics for the first 
time in his life, so he watches the news a lot.  It's on so much of the day, 
and then he watches the History Channel, Military Channel and CARTOONS!!  He's 
always watched some cartoons, but it's just too much, so after I do what I need 
to and sit out in the family room for a bit, I leave the area.  I just can't 
stand it.  He also uses the computer, but while on the TV.  If I ask to change 
the channel, it usually annoys him, so it's often easier to just let it go.  

I know that we all have our own living situations, and he's really a great guy. 
 He just has his own things that annoy me, and I have mine that do the same to 
him.  And, I really try to live by the rule now that I need to pick my battles. 
 I stand up for my place in the family room periodically and take control of 
the TV and enjoy something together or alone.  Then, once he goes to bed and I 
cannot sleep, I watch TV in there while I am waiting to be able to sleep.

Over the winter hits we don't get out much, although we did take a Panama Canal 
Cruise for his retirement, but it was during October, so he was pre-occupied 
with election stuff.  He scoped out a TV in one of the lounges that usually had 
the news on during the day, and we had a TV in our room.  We enjoyed ourselves 
though, and it was a good trip.  In February we went to So. California (we live 
in No. California) to get out of the cold and enjoyed the warmer weather for a 
week.  I just need to get away a bit if I can, winter really gives me problems, 
both physically and then mentally since I ache so much more.  I just don't know 
how you people who live in the REAL cold climates do it.

Since I wrote you, I have been out of my room a lot more, and have gotten 
outside, picked lemons off my lemon tree and have prepared a many more meals 
than usual, and even done some visiting as well.  I am moving around the house 
more again, and on Saturday I am meeting my sisters for a day of lunch, 
massages, and then tea.  So, I've gotten back to a start in the right track, 
but I appreciate the boost (Kick in the Butt) from you Rob!!! 

Take care all, and warm hugs to everyone as well.

Barbara A in Auburn, CA 

-----Original Message-----

From: Robert Pall <>


Sent: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 5:01 am

Subject: RE: [TMIC] misc

Barbara...your response just made a lousy Monday morning at work a little nicer 
...thank you get busy living your life and stop feeling sorry for 


All the best!


From: [] 

Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 9:33 PM

To: Robert Pall;

Subject: Re: [TMIC] misc

Hello Rob and all,

     I am so glad that you sent in this email today.  I think it just may be 
the "kick in the butt" that I need to get out of my bedroom and on with my 
life.  I am still kind of in a funk, not as bad as the usual winter funk, but 
still haven't been able to totally bring myself out of it either.  I know that 
the state of the economy and politics have been consuming too much of my life 
recently, and with my hubby retiring last year, as the saying goes, twice as 
much hubby and half as much money.  Could not be truer than these days, as if 
we could have known, he'd still be working and we'd still be preparing for his 

     I have been reading most of the postings on TMIC, but not responding to 
some that I know that I should have.  For this, I am apologizing to the newbies 
and to those that I could have possibly given some support.

     Rob, I will try, no, I WILL, to take your words to heart and start LIVING 
my life the way I used to, and used to tell others to as well, and that is to 
the fullest extent as possible.  TM should not define us. 

Hugs to all, Barbara A in Auburn, CA, where the sun is shining and there is a 
nest of baby birds outside of my bedroom window.  The sounds are so sweet.


Green cleaning products -- do they work as well? Find out now! 

 Can't afford a new spring wardrobe?  Go shopping in your closet instead! 

--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 10:36:59 -0600
Subject: Re: [TMIC] misc

Any chance you could get a second TV or second 
computer just for yourself?  Just a thought. 
Heather in Calgary 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: ; 
  Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 11:03 
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] misc
Hi Rob,

Thanks for your message, and 
  I'm so glad I could improve your day with mine to you.  I am sending 
  this message to the whole group, so they can see what's up with me as 

I really am not feeling sorry for myself.  I am not sleeping 
  well, I wake up so many times at night with my legs in pain, once I finally 
  get to sleep.  It is at least 3am before my legs settle down enough to 
  get to sleep for a bit, unless I take a Vicodin.  I usally sleep for 
  anything between 15 minutes and an hour on many nights, and this goes on 
  anytime between 10am and noon, when I finally drag my butt out of bed.  I 
  am exhausted.  I take a Vicodin usually 3 days a week, just to catch up 
  on some sleep.  I need to use some of my marijuana tincture at 
  night or a brownie on more nights, but that doesn't always 
  work.  Between the two, if one of these methods is used almost every 
  night, I should be better off in the sleep category.  I lowered my daily 
  dosage of Neurontin over the past year and my pain level has increased.  
  My Neurontin dosage was up pretty high at 5200/day, and I really wanted 
  it lower! ed, so I was able to lower 3600/day now, but I am paying the 
  price during the night.  I also went on Lyrica at 50/mg 

My husband retired last year and became interested in politics 
  for the first time in his life, so he watches the news a lot.  It's on so 
  much of the day, and then he watches the History Channel, Military 
  Channel and CARTOONS!!  He's always watched some cartoons, but it's 
  just too much, so after I do what I need to and sit out in the family room 
  a bit, I leave the area.  I just can't stand it.  He also uses 
  the computer, but while on the TV.  If I ask to change the channel, 
  it usually annoys him, so it's often easier to just let it go.  

  know that we all have our own living situations, and he's really a great guy. 
   He just has his own things that annoy me, and I have mine that do the 
  same to him.  And, I really try to live by the rule now that I need to 
  pick my battles.  I stand up for my place in the family room 
  periodically and take control of the TV and enjoy something together or 
  alone.  Then, once he goes to bed and I cannot sleep, I watch TV in there 
  while I am waiting to be able to sleep.

Over the winter hits we don't 
  get out much, although we did take a Panama Canal Cruise for his retirement, 
  but it was during October, so he was pre-occupied with election stuff.  
  He scoped out a TV in one of the lounges that usually had the news on during 
  the day, and we had a TV in our room.  We enjoyed ourselves though, and 
  it was a good trip.  In February we went to So. California (we live in 
  No. California) to get out of the cold and enjoyed the warmer weather for a 
  week.  I just need to get away a bit if I can, winter really gives me 
  problems, both physically and then mentally since I ache so much more.  I 
  just don't know how you people who live in the REAL cold climates do 

Since I wrote you, I have been out of my room a lot more, and have 
  gotten outside, picked lemons off my lemon tree and have prepared a many 
  more meals than usual, and even done some visiting as well.  I am 
  moving around the house more again, and on Saturday I am meeting my 
  sisters for a day of lunch, massages, and then tea.  So, I've gotten back 
  to a start in the right track, but I appreciate the boost (Kick in the Butt) 
  from you Rob!!! 

Take care all, and warm hugs to everyone as 

Barbara A in Auburn, 

From: Robert Pall <>
Sent: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 5:01 am
Subject: RE: [TMIC] 

  Barbara...your response just made a lousy Monday morning 
  at work a little nicer ...thank you get busy living your life and stop 
  feeling sorry for yourself.
  All the best!

  From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 9:33 PM
To: Robert Pall;
  Re: [TMIC] misc

  Hello Rob and 
       I am so glad that you sent in this email 
  today.  I think it just may be the "kick in the butt" that I need to get 
  out of my bedroom and on with my life.  I am still kind of in a funk, not 
  as bad as the usual winter funk, but still haven't been able to totally bring 
  myself out of it either.  I know that the state of the economy 
  and politics have been consuming too much of my life recently, and with my 
  hubby retiring last year, as the saying goes, twice as much hubby and half as 
  much money.  Could not be truer than these days, as if we could have 
  known, he'd still be working and we'd still be preparing for his 
     I have been reading most of the 
  postings on TMIC, but not responding to some that I know that I should 
  have.  For this, I am apologizing to the newbies and to those that I 
  could have possibly given some support.
     Rob, I 
  will try, no, I WILL, to take your words to heart and start LIVING my 
  life the way I used to, and used to tell others to as well, and that is to 
  fullest extent as possible.  TM should not define us. 

  to all, Barbara A in Auburn, CA, where the sun is shining and there is a 
  nest of baby birds outside of my bedroom window.  The sounds are so 


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