Dear TMIC Group,
  I wanted to say hello and I hope this message finds you well!  I know I do 
not know most of you personally, but I have been on the list since Sept. of 
2000.  I wanted to pass on some information that has drastically changed my 
  A number of years ago my I was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis (TM) and 
subsequently Multiple Sclerosis (MS).  As most of you know these attacks lead 
to major nerve damage, nerve scarring, and many times some form of paralysis.
  Along the way a number of debilitating things have affected me due to the 
nerve damage over the last 8-10 years:
  Partial paralysis from the initial TM (This came and went as the MS side of 
the symptoms began to surface)
  Bladder dysfunction/not working
  Constant pain shooting throughout her entire body
  Tremors/shakes- these became very bad
  Memory loss/recall issues
  Spent more that 70% of her time in bed trying to recover
  Walking/balance – we had just purchased a walker beginning of 2006 (racing 
  Partial paralysis on parts of her body, this could come and go but each year 
some damage was left behind in a culminating effect
  Nerve scarring revealed by the MRI
  Damage to one of her optic nerves causing a blind spot in one eye
  So many medications her side effects became worse than the MS symptoms 
  I was looking forward to a slow and painful decline and an ever-increasing 
dependence on the drugs!
  In June of 2006 I began taking something new. I had tried everything you 
possibly could imagine over the last 10 years (and there were some weird ones!) 
to stave off a decline that doctors had said there was nothing that would solve 
only delay.  After only one month I began feeling better (now you must 
understand there have been other things that have made me feel better but never 
really effected the progression of my MS) and I was heartened, but still 
cautious.  Around October 2006 I began to notice something astonishing, most of 
the symptoms listed above were no longer plaguing me!  What finally brought it 
to the forefront was a virus I caught at about the same time, I prepared myself 
for another MS attack/relapse and yet another extended stay at the hospital 
(because that is what happens to MS patients when viruses set off the immune 
system – I was an emergency room/hospital veteran) but nothing happened!  You 
can understand my surprise?  I began looking at the
 symptoms and drugs I had been slowly removing from my body.  Over a 6-8 month 
period I found a slow repair had been underway.  This culminated in a visit to 
my internal medicine doctor and my optomologist and found major improvement in 
my TM and MS symptoms.  I also found my vision in the blind spot had been 
  In September I also had seen enough improvement that my husband began taking 
it as well.  I have seen drastic improvement in his health.  And, I have just 
recently started my children on the same technology and am already noticing 
positive changes in their health!
  This is not anything I can explain directly as I am not a doctor, but I have 
seen doctors who work with this technology demonstrate how many of our classic 
“unhealable” diseases and damage (and I mean all of them!) can be healed by our 
own bodies if we give it what it needs to do it.
  I hope this message has encouraged you!
  I am only passing on information about something that has changed my family’s 
life and I thought you should know about this as it could change yours as well! 
 Feel free to e-mail or call me for more information, or you can check this new 
science out for yourselves at a good layman site or you 
can try (although this is a heavily science website).  I 
would be more than willing to follow up with anyone who needs more information, 
and you can contact me off the list…
  If you are not interested in this new technology, someone might be!  Please 
pass this note on to anyone that you know that has health challenges and might 
be interested!
  Feel free to contact me if any questions arise.
  Jenna K. Stentz
cell (404) 386-3501 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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