Just read your note to Jude and had to reply.  First of all I live in Roanoke which is in the western part of the state and have a few years on you.  I am 69 and have had TM for four years.  My husband is a retired physician and many years before I developed TM he described neurology and a place of last resort for a patient.  Another friend of mine said that I had something that no physician wanted to see you for since it could not be cured.  Now do you feel better?.
I tried baclophen and it also made me weave around like a drunk.  I then tried Lyrica with the same result so am just taking neurontin..  My experience has been that a pain doctor listens to me better than anyone else.  I read the posts from everyone on the list and the I go to her and say what about this.  She is willing to try various suggestions and immediately discontinue them if they don't work.  Am not a big believer in medicine and take as little of the pain medication(tramadol )as possible. 
The tens unit is an electrical nerve stimulator.  I do find that this helps and it  is covered by medicare.  Ask your new neurologist about it  Am not sure it would help everyone.  I have pain around my middle and it certainly does help me there.
Good luck with your new doctor.
Ann in Roanoke Virginia

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