Just a little update on my honey;   the surgery yesterday seemed to go well and they replaced just the ball and not the socket. They had to do a lot of grinding of bones in order to do so – but apparently it’s less invasive and should last him forever.   The surgeon wants to do the other shoulder in two months. 


Today, HE'S CRANKY AND WANTS TO COME HOME!  What a surprise.  You know how hospitals are?  No place to rest or get healthy.   Even though it's in his chart that he is paralyzed with Transverse Myelitis, the nurses haven't taken time to read it, (I had to tell the first two nurses as well as place a call last night), and it's led to some issues with the meds he needs to take.....   ARRGH!     He has been w/o water so much and it's not like he can get up and get his own!!!  And now his shoulder is draining fluid and blood more than what they expected and it may be of concern.  The surgery center was wonderful, but I’m not pleased, (nor is he), with the nursing care on his floor.


At this point, he is supposed to be released tomorrow, but we have to confirm the approval for the bed/lift & nursing in order for him to be released then. I know his routine well and can take care of him better at home, but with some difficulty. 


Thank you so very much for all your calls, emails, prayers, VISITS and thoughtfulness. I would write individually, but I am very far behind at work and need to play catch up.


If you want to cheer him up, he’s a White Memorial in L. A., (323) 268-5000, Room 4513.


Xoxo Sandy

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