First of all, I never automatically download anything.  I don't care what it is.

I first go to 'webmail' to see what's in my IN box, still at the server.  I 
have several folders there, one for the accepted e-pals, one for the suspects 
and one for trash.
Anybody who[m] I haven't approved beforehand goes thru the suspect folder 
first, as do all spammers, unsolicited junk and infected stuff.  I'll pull out 
of there and 'approve' any new e-pals and such.

Once in the IN folder, if I see e-mails I don't wanna read (and y'all know 
which ones we mean)
I delete them on the spot.  Those never get near my actual e-mail thingie.  I 
only download those I wanna read.  Period.

As for forwarding stuff, there is a way to do it without all those addresses 
already there.
It's not quite copy-paste but it does involve deleting some text.  
I also use the bcc. feature a lot.

Any questions......???  Shoot away.     

Bobberino, an e-mailer since 1995.

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