Hi Rob in N.J.,
It's a very personal decision.  Your commute is quite a deterrent and certainly 
a source of frustration.  Would you feel the same way if you worked close to 

I am retired and now only work on Tuesdays and Saturdays, close by thank 
Goodness.  Not that long ago, I could work all week but gradually as time 
progresses, I noticed that by the time I get home, my feet hurt and I can 
hardly move.  I long to just go to bed regardless of what time it is, read, 
watch TV and fall asleep.  I'm even exhausted the next day.  I know that  I am 
not improving.  I tell myself that if I don't improve, at least I want to do 
all I can to not get worse.   I exercise hard and I keep working.  

Sometimes I wonder how much longer I will be capable of working at all, will it 
be time to quit?  I don't share that with anyone but you.  When asked how I am 
(they see me dragging my left foot, my cane, my walker), I smile and say "fine" 
or "hanging in there", or rarely " just a little tired, but I'm okay".  No one 
in interested in hearing anything else.   

I think it's best to take it one day at a time.  I for one am not ready to give 
up.  It's great that you have access to Dr. Kerr and will have a neurologist 
nearby that he recommends.  Let us know the result of the MRI and what  follows.
Sending good wishes your way.

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