I tried to send this earlier but was kick off tmic for awhile.

It has been 20 months since I was last in the hospital and on steroids.  The 
year before that I was there 2 times.  I have put on over 100 pounds since TM 
June 2000.  Between all the meds and spending most of my time in bed, I 
couldn't help but gain wieght.  I have been working really hard this last year 
and have lost 50 pounds so far.  I found out from the Orthopedic Dr a few weeks 
ago that I have small fractures in my shin bones...probably because of the 
steroids.  So I can't walk anymore for exersice.  I have to start swimming or 
stationary bike.  Both will require spending money at the gym.  I haven't eaten 
any bread or pasta in the last week...hopefully that will help too.  

----- Original Message ----
From: Grace M. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: randy rankin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 5:09:46 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] steroids

Hi Randy,
I had the weight problem, too.  Went into the hospital weighing 112 the first 
time, and came home from rehab weighing 130.  Even now, I have to fight to stay 
thin.  I'm just not comfortable with any weight on me, plus want to stay within 
the handicapped weight stats in order to ambulate in the event that I'm 
paralyzed and end up in a chair again.  My neuro told me to stop thinking I'm 
fat.  He says he'll let me know if he thinks I'm getting too big.  Shoot, I 
almost fainted at the office whenever they weighed me.   As for the veggies and 
fruit.  Been there.  I love them, and that's about all I eat anyways, but 
losing a few pounds is still almost impossible.  Sigh.....it's so frustrating. 


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