Oh, how I wish we could afford to organize a well planned trip to the right
place and people to make a loud and successful noise about some of these
issues!  J

-------Original Message-------
From: jrushton
Date: 6/19/2009 11:16:01 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] AARP Drug Card
 The saddest thing about our wonderful country (and I truly mean that) is
that it does not take care of it's elderly and those who are such a limited
income due to disabilities that we struggle to make sense of how to pay for
our health care.  It does not need to be that complicated!!  Jeanne
-------Original Message-------
Date: 6/19/2009 12:32:58 PM
To: tmic-list
Subject: Re: [TMIC] AARP Drug Card
Jeanne, You are so right about the insurance companies and Medicare.  
The insurance with my employer started at $300+ per month then when I went
on COBRA it jumped to $610 a month for 12 months.  But with the extension,
until Medicare kicked in, the insurance jumped to $980+ a month.  
What gets me is that the American taxpayer can pay for helping the world,
whether they want it or not, pay for wars AND YET so many of us are dieing
financially, and physically, due to health care and the cost of health care!
 The health care has been put off for more than 50 years and yet the USA has
financed the Korean war, the Viet Nam war, Dessert Storm, Iraq and
Afghanistan wars!  Let alone the billions paid to countries to "help" stamp
out terror!  BUT after 50 years still no good, affordable, health care/plan
for ALL Americans!  Something is wrong if you ask me!
That's another problem for me wth TM, I have too much time to watch the
bullsh_t that is going on in Congress - even with the Dems - the lobbist are
winning again!  Maybe we all need to get on our scooters, wheelchairs,
walkers, etc. and start protesting!  Maybe then the world would/could help
us if not financially then by shaming the law makers! Althou, some are above
shame and that doesn't work either!
Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

----- Original Message -----
From: "jrushton" <jrush...@columbiaenergyllc.com>
To: "CANDIS KALLEY" <cakal...@embarqmail.com>
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 10:55:39 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [TMIC] AARP Drug Card

Hi Gunny and Candy! There are so many of us on medicare than can use some
help!  They have made it so complicated that we really don't know where to
turn.  We had two great insurances when Jack and I were working then after
TM we went to one and then when Jack took his early retirement we had to pay
and pay we did!  It started out $800 plus then was lowered finally to $500
plus and then back up to $610 and then I ended up still having to pay!  We
checked into different ones and ended up with AARP and just had to use it so
we'll find out how it works.  We chose the 'L' where we have a deductible of
$250.  I was interested in the AARP drug card??  I am going to look into
that right away!  Thanks for passing that bit of news on!!
Hugs for you all..Jeanne
-------Original Message-------
Date: 6/19/2009 10:57:30 AM
To: Richard J Boyle;  tmic-list
Subject: [TMIC] AARP Drug Card
Gunny,  today I did look into the AARP drug card for $19.95 a year and
subscribed to it.  THANK YOU for the info.  The FL Drug card is zero help in
tier 3 meds and Forteo was going to cost me $749.00 a month - I'm already in
the doughnut gap.
I spent yesterday in tears.  I had a glass of wine last night and woke up
today and remembered you saying AARP drug card, so I signed on - I've been
an AARP member for several years.
I found out what you were talking about that the AARP drug card is seperate
from Medicare supplement/Part D.  So, I signed up after seeing that the
Forteo is only $111.91 per month - about the same as I was paying for Boniva
a month!  I can afford that.
THANK YOU again!  Maybe next time I will "wake up" a little sooner or give
me a shout back to "WAKE UP!"
Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,
Candy K.




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