Hi Patti and Michelle and anyone else who may have this problem,

My lesion is at C4, therefore my hands are affected.  Since typing is a very important part of my job, I use voice recognition software.  It has been wonderful.  The software I use is Dragon Naturally Speaking.  The latest version is a vast improvement over what was available just a few years ago.  It took me a little bit of time to get used to it, but now there is very little I can't do.  Of course, I am using it now.

Just thought I'd pass along this tip in case you haven't tried it.  If you'd like more information, I'll be happy to fill you in on what it can and can't do.

Take care,

To:  "tmic-list-at-eskimo.com" <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject:  [TMIC] Lesion at C5
Date:  Fri, 15 Sep 2006 11:47:32 -0700
>Hi Michelle
>Please forgive us for getting on the print and type tangent.  It seems we get off track when the group is quiet and no one is discussing an urgent TM need.
>I understand your frustration with the numbness in your hands because my lesion at C4-C6 causes me the same problems.  I type with my thumbs and index fingers, my typing is horrid and it takes me forever to type a post.  Two weeks before TM struck I googled MS because I kept dropping things and I knew it could be a symptom of MS. I read that MS usually strikes before age 50 and since I was 53 I hit the exit button and breathed a sigh of relief!  Duh!  I can never go back to being that nieve' again - TM brings us to a life of reality doesn't it.
>It's good to learn that your MRI didn't show any brain lesions.  It sounds like something might be going on (swollen tongue and facial paralysis), but maybe the future MS drugs will stop future lesions.
>Heather was right about Linda having lived in Bothel Wa, but she moved to another state a few months ago.
>God bless you
>Patti  -  Michigan
>(and I pray that he heals me and all of you out there)

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