Hello Ami and welcome to the TM group. As the ole saying here goes, "sorry you had to find us but glad you did!"  Tell Mike he has a new family here and we are all praying for him and for you.  I remember when I first moved my big toe. You would have thought I had jumped up and danced a jig.  My story is long but you can read in in the members stories archives, I  think it is #307 or some where around there. I got TM almost 32 years ago. At first I was fully paralyzed but have gotten a lot of recovery but the most significant part of my recovery is that I have had a full life. There isn't really anything that I have wanted to do that I haven't done. I I've got a family, traveled, taken up sailing, gone to school, worked in several different jobs. Life with TM doesn't stop your ability to live.  I know everyone in this group has different levels of abilities and it will take Mike a while to find out where he is at in his. recuperation can take quite awhile with TM. I suggest he focus on getting in the best shape he can get in and work towards a defined goal. One of the best things about this group is you don't have to worry about the questions you have.  We all have had the same one's in our own situations. These folks all know more intimate information about me than many of my family. And these guys really care!  Once again, tell Mike he has a new family and we are all praying for him. Let us know how he is doing and if he has any specific questions.

Larry in oklahoma where it is just beautiful today! (but we could use a little rain!)

Larry Throne, MSW

To: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: [TMIC] boyfriend diagnosed
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 16:06:41 -0700

Hey all!! I recently (July) have been 'thrown' into the life of living with a loved one with TM.  Mike was diagnosed at Johns Hopkin after a 30 day stay at our local hospital who initially diagnosed him with Guillian-Barre Syndrome.  He has a lesion on his spinal cord that spans C3-C7.  He managed to walk into the hospital months ago, but by evening - was paralyzed from the chest down.  After a brief stay at JH, he has been moved to a rehab center and has been there for a month.  They are now looking to move him closer to home to a nursing/rehab facility.  He has had his good days and not so good days.  I know his biggest frustration is not seeing any or very little improvement.  The only thing that has changed since day 1 is he recently gained movement in his right thumb.  Not much to him, but for me, it was like watching your child take her/his first step!!  I guess what I'm looking for is answers, stories, and most of all...hope!  I am a firm believer that there is only 1 person who knows how Mike is going to be -God!  And for now, God hasn't told me that the life we live now is the way it's going to be forever.  I just know he is going to get better someday.
Thanks for listening to my rambling,


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