running "bin/apachectl configtest" i get the error
"Syntax error on line 224 of
Cannot load /users/sts/stud/gu.bachmann/apache/libexec/ into
server: /users/sts/stud/gu.bachmann/apache/bin/httpd: fatal:
relocation error: file
/users/sts/stud/gu.bachmann/apache/libexec/ symbol __moddi3:
referenced symbol not found"
(line 224 is the LoadModule directive)
(apache is installed in "/users/sts/stud/gu.bachmann/apache")

host system: solaris 2.6
apache-version: 1.3.9
webapp module-version: 1.0.1
gcc-version: 2.8.1
autoconf-version: 2.52
libtool-version: 1.4.2

building the webapp module (source) works fine [./support/,
./configure --with-apxs=..., make]
building the apache (source) works fine.
after copying the into libexec and adding the lines
"LoadModule webapp_module      libexec/"
"AddModule mod_webapp.c"
into the httpd.conf, i run into the error mentioned above

if you know about anything that might help me to make the whole thing work,
let me know.
kind regards ...
gunther bachmann

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