Hi All

         I will highly appreciate if any one from this group
would help to resolve the following issue.

Problem Details:-

         We have one Apache (Ver web server running
on Red Hat 7.2 (Kernel version 2.4.7-10SMP). We have also
included tomcat module in httpd.conf file. We are running
JSPs on this server using Tomcat. Jakarta-Tomcat version is
3.2.3 and JDK version is 1.3.1. We are facing one peculiar
issue the memory utilized by java process is huge so the
server runs out of memory. We are doing very frequent
reboots to resolve this issue as of now and not able to find
the permanent solution to said problem. I am attaching the
output of top command & ps -eo pid,%mem,%cpu,cmd command out
for more information on this issue. The number of JAVA
process are over 50 at all times irrespective of active
users. The apache-tomcat server also talks to oracle server
in the backup end. We have confirmed that there is no
problem with Database server connectivity. The apache &
tomcat configuration files are changed for any parameter as
I am not sure about the impact on the server performance.
Request all of you to contribute if any one has face and
resolve such issue.

Output of TOP command:-

10:11am  up 4 days,  8:47,  2 users,  load average: 0.38,
0.20, 0.07
187 processes: 185 sleeping, 1 running, 1 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU0 states:  1.0% user, 12.0% system,  0.0% nice, 85.1%
CPU1 states:  0.1% user,  5.0% system,  0.0% nice, 94.0%
Mem:  2059536K av, 2052488K used,    7048K free,      48K
shrd,  120172K buff
Swap: 1052216K av,       0K used, 1052216K free
1698648K cached

 7679 m2i       18   0  1144 1144   856 R    14.9  0.0
0:01 top
 2807 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     1.6  2.7
0:09 java
31745 m2i       10   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.8  2.7
1:01 java
 1242 m2i        9   0  1372 1372  1008 S     0.0  0.0
0:00 bash
 2305 m2i        8   0  1376 1376  1008 S     0.0  0.0
0:00 bash
 7606 m2i        9   0  1372 1372  1008 S     0.0  0.0
0:00 bash
31717 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:00 java
31744 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:00 java
31746 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:00 java
31747 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:01 java
31748 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:00 java
31749 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:00 java
31750 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:00 java
31751 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:01 java
31752 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:00 java
31753 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:00 java
31754 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:00 java
31755 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:00 java
31756 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:00 java
31757 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:04 java
31758 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:05 java
31759 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:01 java
31760 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:10 java
31761 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:10 java
31762 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:15 java
31763 m2i        9   0 55828  54M  7200 S     0.0  2.7
0:08 java

Out Put of ps -eo command:-

[EMAIL PROTECTED] m2i]$ ps -eo pid,%mem,%cpu,cmd | grep jdk
| more
31717  2.7  0.0
31744  2.7  0.0
31745  2.7  0.1
31746  2.7  0.0
31747  2.7  0.0
31748  2.7  0.0
31749  2.7  0.0
31750  2.7  0.0
31751  2.7  0.0
31752  2.7  0.0
31753  2.7  0.0
31754  2.7  0.0
31755  2.7  0.0
31756  2.7  0.0
31757  2.7  0.0
31758  2.7  0.0
31759  2.7  0.0
31760  2.7  0.0
31761  2.7  0.0
31762  2.7  0.0
31763  2.7  0.0
31764  2.7  0.0
31765  2.7  0.0
31766  2.7  0.0
31767  2.7  0.0
31768  2.7  0.0
31905  2.7  0.0
31910  1.7  0.0
31937  1.7  0.0
31938  1.7  0.0
31939  1.7  0.0
31940  1.7  0.0

with regards
Sanjay C.



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