Bug report #564 has just been filed.

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REPORT #564 Details.

Project: Tomcat
Category: Bug Report
SubCategory: New Bug Report
Class: swbug
State: received
Priority: high
Severity: critical
Confidence: public
   Release: 3.2
   JVM Release: 1.3
   Operating System: W2K
   OS Release: 1
   Platform: Intel PIII

startup .bat files use old paths

Tomcat 3.1 assumed the installation dir to be <drive>:\jakarta-tomcat. Accordingly, 
all .bat files had this hard coded. The default unzip dir was also this. With 3.2, it 
has changed to jakarta-tomcat-3.2 but the .bat files still use the jakarta-tomcat path.

Not really a bug but a show stopper definetly.
Title: BugRat Report # 564

BugRat Report # 564

Project: Tomcat Release: 3.2
Category: Bug Report SubCategory: New Bug Report
Class: swbug State: received
Priority: high Severity: critical
Confidence: public

Submitter: Nasir Noor ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
Date Submitted: Dec 10 2000, 11:35:54 CST
Responsible: Z_Tomcat Alias ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

startup .bat files use old paths
Environment: (jvm, os, osrel, platform)
1.3, W2K, 1, Intel PIII

Additional Environment Description:

Report Description:
Tomcat 3.1 assumed the installation dir to be :\jakarta-tomcat. Accordingly, all .bat files had this hard coded. The default unzip dir was also this. With 3.2, it has changed to jakarta-tomcat-3.2 but the .bat files still use the jakarta-tomcat path. Not really a bug but a show stopper definetly.

How To Reproduce:


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