
I want to use the largeFile parameter mentioned in the FAQ but couldn't get
it to work. Jasper always generates static HTML content into the Java class
file. How can I change this?

Christian Mallwitz INTERSHOP Communications Germany
Senior Software Engineer    phone: +49 3641 894 334

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian Mallwitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 16:49
> Subject: RE: largeFile init parameter
> I tried JSP files of different sizes up to 512 KB size. All 
> static text is generated into the class file. So how do I 
> enable the largeFile option?
> > I read about the largeFile init parameter and set it to true in my
> > conf/web.xml file. but the static HTML is still in the class file.
> > 
> > The FAQ says: "If the file is really large then all the 
> > static html is stored is a separate data file if the value of this 
> > param is set to true."
> > 
> > How large is large and can I modify that?

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