Hi to all,

I added support for a no-jk env var for mod_jk 1.2.6-dev, under
Apache 2.0.

This environment variable works like the no-gzip for mod_deflate.

If jk find the env var no-jk, it will decline the request process
and sus let others modules to handle the Apache request.

It will help many of us who have problem in excluding part of URL
or can't make mod_alias & <directory> directive works with jk.

Example of use :

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName testxxx.mysys DocumentRoot /www/testxxx/htdocs

  SetEnvIf Request_URI "/home/*" no-jk

  Alias /home /home/dataxxx/

  <Directory "/home/dataxxx">
      Options Indexes MultiViews
      AllowOverride None
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all

  JkMount /* myssys-xxx


With this setting all requests will be relayed to tomcat
worker myssys-xxx except the one containing /home.

You could use all the power of SetEnvIf directive :


Since many users reported problem with location, rewrite, or mod_alias, I strongly suggest them to take a look at the current code in CVS and see if the SetEnvIf fix there problems.

This feature will be available in upcoming jk 1.2.6 :)

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