I look at the Tomcat 5 documentation for pre-compiling JSP pages and at the 5.0.15 source for JspC -- and as best I can tell there is absolutely no way to specify a particular set of JSP pages to compile at a given time. Nested <include> elements don't work (as they are documented to in Ant's optional JspC task). There is a setArgs(), but it takes an array of Strings -- which I don't believe will automatically be coerced out of any normal Ant property.

What am I missing?

I need to be able to compile one JSP page at a time for validation purposes in a large-team environment. I need to know exactly which JSP pages pass and fail. To complicate things there are a lot of JSP fragments that have .jsp suffixes, so we know a number will fail and would like to exclude them.

Is there some way I should be using Ant's JspC in conjunction with Tomcat 5 to get the right result or... what?

Jess Holle

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