
>   When a user goes to report a bug he has to first search existing
>bugs.  Right now you would have to search under multiple Project
>entries, and you would have no way of limiting your search by release
>number since the release numbers are tomcat release numbers, not jk
>release numbers.

You can search Bugzilla for both Tomcat 4 and Tomcat 5 (and Tomcat 3, or
for that matter any combination of items in the "Program" listbox, in
one search.  You're right that you can't specify JK release numbers, but
I think that's not a practical limitation in the Tomcat and connectors
world.  I bet most people leave the release number field unselected
(i.e. search for bugs filed against any release), as the opposite relies
on people correctly filing the release number when the file a bug (and
people don't do this correctly).

>Also since the connectors seem to be developed seperately from Tomcat
>wouldn't it make sense for those developers to have their own product
>entry to better manage the bugs?

The connectors are not developed completely separately from Tomcat.
There have been and there will likely be for a while bugs that span both
code in the connectors and code in Tomcat.  In the past the development
used to be tighter, that's true.  In the future there may be a separate
Tomcat-Connectors or similar Program entry in Bugzilla if we deem it
necessary.  But right now I think the existing system works fine.


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