
There are few changes to simplify the configuration of tomcat3.3, and I
would like to do them as early as possible.

The idea is to simplify a bit server.xml and make it easier to tune web

The current syntax will of course be supported, my proposal is to add a
mechanism to also allow a simplified syntax.

The additions are:

1. Allow ant-style syntax for modules: a module is now loaded with:
  <RequestInterceptor class="org.apache.tomcat.modules.aaa.SimpleRealm"
           filename="conf/users/myusers.xml" />
  We can use:

  <SimpleRealm filename="conf/users/myusers.xml" />

  ( modules.xml will contain the list of predefined modules, new modules
can be added with a syntax similar with <taskdef>. )

2. Add a ModuleInfo object in core that will keep the meta-information
about a module ( hooks, ordering, description, etc). This will be used for 
the /admin-like tool and for configuration. 

3. Separate the "global" configuration from context configuration.
   Now server.xml contains both options for the server and options for 
   individual contexts. 

   It would be easier if each context or group of contexts will be
configured in a simpler file ( given that users will have less need to
edit server.xml ). For example: config/apps/foo.xml will keep informations
about the /foo application.  

   This is already supported ( by using ContextXmlReader ), but it's not 
documented and used by default - my proposal is to start doing that.

   (BTW, this is very important as it make easier to develop the /admin
tool - the part about saving context preferences )

4. Add a new configuration section <profile> containing a group of 
modules that are specific to a set of contexts. Right now you can tune
individual contexts by adding a per-context module, but if you have a lot
of applications that becomes very difficult and time-consuming.
(for example you may want a group of webapps to use JdbcAuthentication
and log in a certain directory ). This will save a lot of typing and will
add clarity.

Again - those are backward compatible usability enhancements, and should
have minimal code impact - but it's important to do the changes as early
as possible.


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