Hello, thanks for reading and PLEASE HELP!

Building and then launching the Tomcat 4.0.4 connector for Apache 2 on
FreeBSD 4.4, linux-jdk 1.4 , we get:

    org.apache.jk.server.JkMain init
   INFO: Starting Jk2, base dir= /usr/local/tomcat4.0.4_1.4.0
    org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start
   INFO: APR not loaded, disabling jni components: java.io.IOException:
   ELF file OS ABI invalid.

Then, we were answered:

  > I'm assuming you're running 1.4 under Linux emulation, since the
  > native 1.4 isn't near finished yet :).  The obvious guess would
  > then be that the shared library jk_jni.so is in fact a native
  > FreeBSD shared library when it needs to be a Linux shared
  > library.  Any shared library loaded by a Linux JDK running under
  > emulation must be a Linux shared library."

After that we have tried to build jkjni.so with native freeBSD jdk1.3,
   so this shared library can use native FreeBSD methods.
But, after starting Tomcat 4.0.4 (jdk 1.3) we get:

Error JniHandler - -nativeDispatch: error 21000
Error ChannelUn - -receive error: 21000
(info) [jk_jni_aprImpl.c (470)] jkInvoke() invoke 2db8bd2c
(info) [jk_channel_un.c (292)] channelUn.close(): close unix socket -1
(error) [jk_channel_un.c (416)] channelUn.receive():error receiving -3 9
Bad file descriptor 0x15abd0f0 -1

ANY ideas, suggestions, guesses - would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Dev Zero G Team

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