I realised that I included irrelevant log snipet from the SSL log. Please
see the correction below.
Aaron Stromas said:
> Hi,
> I apologise for cross-posting - I'm really not sure which component is
> at fault, looks like mod_ssl but possibly mod_jk. BTW, is there a list
e: done
Connection: Client IP:, Protocol: SSLv3, Cipher:
EXP1024-RC4-SHA (56/128 bits)
Initial (No.1) HTTPS request received for child 5 (server
I've spent a couple of days trying to figure this out and have not made any
progress. Can anyone he
If somebody has a working client SSL authentication for Apache 1.3.*,
mod_ssl/mod_jk, i.e., ajp mounts that require client certificate
(SSLVerifyClient require), I'd be very grateful to see the appropriate
pieces of configuration files. Thank you.
Aaron Stromas | "T
Aaron Stromas said:
> Hi,
> I am seeking advice resoving this problem. We use Apache 1.3 with
> Tomcat 4.0 and mod_ssl 0.9.6. When the servlet mounts are configured
> with the SSLVerifyClient directive set to "none" all works fine, but
> when the directive value is
ot found" HTML page.
Has anyone encountered this? If so, what is the solution? TIA.
Aaron Stromas | "Tik-tik-tik!!!... ja, Pantani is weg..."
+1 (301) 493 4933 | L'Alpe d