
We use Tomcat 3.2.1 as a backend to Apache 1.3. Apache serves both http and
https (mod_ssl) connections and communicates with Tomcat using the ajp13
(mod_jk) protocol. Our servers run NT/2000.

Problem: Tomcat's session tracking under SSL does not work without cookies.
Running the same application on a non-secure connection works fine both with
and without cookies, but under SSL Tomcat's URL-encoding fails.

mod_jk.dll is built with plain 1.3 API, and Apache warns that it should be
recompiled with EAPI enabled. Will a new mod_jk.dll built with EAPI fix the
problem, and if so is there a pre-built version available somewhere ? Or is
there another solution to the problem ? 

thanks in advance and best regards


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