Have been hassling about with Tomcat 4.0.2 (on RedHat 7.2) to 
try to get it to do SSI.  If I follow the instructions by 

o renaming the .renametojar file to .jar   and
o uncommenting the servlet mappings in the web.xml file,

and then shutting down and restarting, Tomcat ceases
even to deliver its own root page (error 404).  It IS running, 
for I get the Tomcat error messages from port 8080.  

It is sufficient to re-comment the servlet mappings and 
restart to make the kitty happy again - but of course it
then knows nothing of SSI.

BTW, Apache, running concurrently, doesn't choose to do SSI
either.  My initial include statement follows (and I can
put ANYthing in the included file and still have the contents 
nicely ignored by Apache).  Yes, the file with the include 
has a suffix of .shtml.

<!--#include virtual="detectBrowser.html" -->

Everything is pretty close to box-stock from the RedHat
distribution; I'm just learning my way around at this point.

Would appreciate ANY help.  Thanks!!

Larry Brunelle

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