
I am relatively new to tomcat, and I am trying to get it to work properly
with apache and mod_jk.  I'm actually using embedded tomcat with jboss, and
when i hit port 8080 it compiles the jsp's correctly, and executes the
servlets correctly.  However, when I run apache in front of it, with mod_jk,
and with the mod-jk.conf-auto included in the httpd.conf, there is a

Apache is recognizing the Alias directive (that is, the /examples context is
mapping to the correct folder, specified in mod_jk.conf-auto), and when I
click on a jsp (which I set up a JkMount directive for), it seems to be
recognizing it and associating it with ajp12.  I know this because I turned
on the logging for tomcat, and it tells that it is handling the request with
ajp12.  However, Apache is only spitting back the JSP source in text.  It
doesn't look like it is letting tomcat compile and return the response or
something.  Also, when I send a request for a servlet, apache responds a
404, and not the output of the servlet.  Why is this?  Did i configure
something incorrectly?

If you have and ideas, please let me know.  Also, if you could cc my actual
email ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) that would be most helpful, as I don't check the
list that frequently.

Thanks in advance.


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